This project is used to parse your Chrome bookmarker file into a human readable format so you can see it anywhere :)
Made with Elixir 💜
Convert your Google Chrome's bookmarks into markdown files
mix escript.install github lubien/bookmarker
Enter the cloned repo folder then:
mix deps.get
mix #=> aliased mix.escript_build
Usage: bookmarker [options]
-f, --file Set where your chrome bookmarks file is.
Default: ~/.config/google-chrome/Default/Bookmarks
-t, --title Set a title for the rendered markdown.
Default: Google Chrome Bookmarks
-d, --description Set a description for the rendered markdown.
Default: Generated by Bookmarker
-s, --sort Set if the list is sorted.
Default: false
--no-timestamp Prevent appending of build datetime after description.
Default: use timestamp
-i, --ignore Ignore folders. You may set this multiple times.
-p, --path Restrict to folder. You may set this one time only.
-o, --output Save rendered markdown to a file.
Default: none (output to stdin)
# output into your stdout.
bookmarker -i "Foo/Bar"
# ignore the folder named Bar inside Foo.
bookmarker -o "./"
# save rendered markdown into a file named "" in your cwd.