This repository implemented a coordinated evacuation algorithm of three robots in an environment with obstacles and one gate.
This project run in a ros2 humble environment. To install ros2, please refer to ros2 installation guide, or download the docker image from here.
After the setup of the environment, move on it and clone the following repository:
git clone
and move in the devel branch:
git checkout devel
The repository cloned contains a list of nodes that can be run in a ros2 environment. The useful ros2 packages for the coordinated evacuation are:
- Shelfino gazebo
- Shelfino navigation
To run them, build the packages (colcon build
, update the available bash commands (source install/setup.bash
) and run the following:
ros2 launch shelfino_gazebo world:=hexagon rviz:=true gui:=true
and then
ros2 launch shelfino_navigation map:=hexagon use_sim_time:=true
Once the previous commands are executed, the environment is ready to run the coordinated evacuation algorithm. In order to run it, open a new terminal, build the evacuation package and run the following:
ros2 run evacuation evacuation