PHREEQC iron corrosion model of the paper:
Velimirovic, M., Auffan, M., Carniato, L., Batka, V. M., Schmid, D., Wagner, S., ... & Hofmann, T. (2018). Effect of field site hydrogeochemical conditions on the corrosion of milled zerovalent iron particles and their dechlorination efficiency. Science of The Total Environment, 618, 1619-1627.
To reproduce the results run "OptimizeParameters.m" inside a matlab session. Otherwise you can use the script in octave. Octave installer can be dowloaded here:
The PL variable is used to control the optimization (PL=0, optimize, PL=1 plot the results). Make sure the phreeqc.exe and the files sceua.m and cceua.m are inside the working directory. These are the files of the Shuffled Complex Evolution (SCE-UA) method.
If you use this work please cite the paper above.