These examples show how to start using hawkular-alerts REST API from a bash script.
These tutorial scripts are tested against a standalone deployment of hawkular-alerts.
Main difference between REST API from hawkular or a hawkular-alerts standalone distribution is about the headers:
REST endpoint needs header authorization on hawkular deployments:
Authorization: Basic amRvZTpwYXNzd29yZA==
Hawkular manages the authorization and links with the associated tenant.
In standalone deployments it is needed to specify just the tenant:
Hawkular-Tenant: my-organization
Create a hello world trigger to check if data-x < 5 and data-y > 5.
Add an email action to notify to a defined admins group.
Add a Dampening rule to fire an alert after 2 consecutive evaluations.
Send data-x and data-y data using REST endpoint
GET /hawkular/alerts/data