SendinBlueMailer allows you to integrate SendinBlue email services into your project.
Add the following dependency to your Package.swift
.package(url:"", from: "1.0.0"),
It's really easy to get started with the SendinBlueMailer library! First you need to import the library, by adding this to the top of your Swift file:
import SendinBlueMailer
To initialize your SendinBlueMailer client, just copy the following code:
let mailClient = SendInBlueClient(httpClient: /* httpClient*/,
apiKey: apiKey)
In case of you're using vapor4 you can use this line as httpClient:
Beside the initialization you need to map your data into the SIBEmail
let sender = Individual(name: "Jhon doe", email: "")
let receiver = Individual(name: "Jane Doe", email: "")
let email = SIBEmail(sender: sender,
to: receiver],
subject: "Subject here",
htmlContent: """
<p>Your content here.</p>
Feel welcome to contribute to this project! :)
This project was released under the MIT license.