Containerize the application adding a Dockerfile to the picture.
- Create a Dockerfile at the root of the project source code
- Choose one of the base image that embeds the runtime of your selected language
- Expose port 1337 in the Dockerfile
- Add a .dockerignore to prevent local node_modules folder to be taken into account in the context
When the Dockerfile is ready, the image can be built with the following command:
docker image build -t iot:v1 .
Note: the image has been tagged with v1, this version will be incremented with the changes done in the next steps.
Now the application and all its dependencies and its runtime is packaged into an image, we can run it within a container.
docker container run -p 1337:1337 iot:v1
Note: the -p 1337:1337 option is specified for the port 1337 within the container to be published on the Docker host
The Node.js example implementation as been updated in the nodejs folder.
The image named iot and tagged with v1 has been created locally. It then appears in the list of images available on the localhost.
$ docker image ls iot
iot v1 c243ef955948 8 seconds ago 71 MB