Add the following to your build script:
repositories {
dependencies {
// Approach #1: Ensure fabric-permissions-api is always available by including it within your own jar (it's only ~12KB!)
// Approach #2: Depend on fabric-permissions-api, but require that users install it themselves
modImplementation 'me.lucko:fabric-permissions-api:0.3.1'
Then depend on "fabric-permissions-api-v0": "*"
in your fabric.mod.json.
All the methods you need to check for permissions are in the Permissions
This of course includes all subtypes, most notably ServerPlayerEntity
ServerPlayerEntity player = ...;
if (Permissions.check(player, "mymod.permission")) {
// Woo!
CommandSource source = ...;
if (Permissions.check(source, "mymod.permission")) {
// Woo!
.executes(ctx -> {
ctx.getSource().sendFeedback(Text.of("Woo!"), false);
return Command.SINGLE_SUCCESS;
// Fallback to requiring permission level 4 if the permission isn't set
if (Permissions.check(source, "mymod.permission", 4)) {
// Woo!
// Fallback to true if the permission isn't set
if (Permissions.check(source, "mymod.permission", true)) {
// Woo!
Permission checks for offline players can be made using the players unique id (UUID). The result is returned as a CompletableFuture.
UUID uuid = ...;
Permissions.check(uuid, "mymod.permission").thenAcceptAsync(result -> {
if (result) {
// Woo!
To simplify checks not made on the server thread, you can use join()
UUID uuid = ...;
if (Permissions.check(uuid, "mymod.permission").join()) {
// Woo
All the methods you need to get option values are in the Options
This of course includes all subtypes, most notably ServerPlayerEntity
ServerPlayerEntity player = ...;
Optional<String> value = Options.get(player, "prefix");
CommandSource source = ...;
Optional<String> value = Options.get(source, "prefix");
// Fallback to a different string the option isn't set
String value = Options.get(source, "prefix", "[Default]");
// Transform the value if it is returned
Optional<Integer> value = Options.get(source, "balance", Integer::parseInt);
// Transform the value or fallback to a default value
int value = Options.get(source, "balance", 0, Integer::parseInt);
Option requests for offline players can be made using the players unique id (UUID). The result is returned as a CompletableFuture.
UUID uuid = ...;
Options.get(uuid, "prefix").thenAcceptAsync(prefix -> {
// Do something with the result
To simplify checks not made on the server thread, you can use join()
UUID uuid = ...;
Optional<String> prefix = Options.get(uuid, "prefix").join();
Just register a listener for the PermissionCheckEvent
PermissionCheckEvent.EVENT.register((source, permission) -> {
if (isSuperAdmin(source)) {
return TriState.TRUE;
return TriState.DEFAULT;
If your plugin also supports lookups for offline players, register a listener for the OfflinePermissionCheckEvent
OfflinePermissionCheckEvent.EVENT.register((uuid, permission) -> {
return CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> {
if (isSuperAdmin(uuid)) {
return TriState.TRUE;
return TriState.DEFAULT;
Just register a listener for the OptionRequestEvent
OptionRequestEvent.EVENT.register((source, key) -> {
if (key.equals("balance")) {
return Optional.of(getPlayerBalance(source).toString());
return Optional.empty();
If your plugin also supports lookups for offline players, register a listener for the OfflineOptionRequestEvent
OfflineOptionRequestEvent.EVENT.register((uuid, key) -> {
if (key.equals("balance")) {
return CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> {
return Optional.of(getPlayerBalance(uuid).toString());
return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(Optional.empty());