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Ticketless — getting started with Serverless and Lambda functions

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◀︎ 06 — Purchase ticket API 08 — Worker Lambda ▶︎

Lesson 07 — SNS and SQS


In this lesson we will learn how to use SNS to fire a generic event (a ticket was purchased) and how to register an SQS queue to listen for those events and store them for later processing.


07.01 - Understanding SNS and SQS


SNS stands for Simple Notification Service and it's a service created by AWS to allow developers to easily fire notifications or dispatch messages across different system.

In AWS's own words:

SNS is a pub/sub messaging service that makes it easy to decouple and scale microservices, distributed systems, and serverless applications

SNS functionality diagram

In SNS messages are transmitted through communication channel identified as topics. When you create a topic, different services can publish or subscribe (receive) events over it.

In our project we will use SNS to just dispatch a TicketPurchased event, leaving to other systems the role of picking the message up and performing other actions with it.

You can easily fire messages using SNS with the AWS SDK library, here's an example:

const AWS = require('aws-sdk')
const sns = new AWS.SNS()

  TopicArn: 'the arn of the SNS topic',
  Message: JSON.stringify({some: "arbitrary data"})
}, (err, data) => {
  if (err) {
    console.log('Ooops, it did not work', err)
  } else {
    console.log('Message published!')


SQS (Simple Queue System) is a fully managed message queuing service that makes it easy to decouple and scale microservices, distributed systems, and serverless applications.

You can use it to queue units of work can be performed asynchronously by one or more workers. Workers will periodically interrogate (pull from) the queue to see if there's work to do and report to the queue once some task is completed, so that no other work will try to perform it again.

In our application we will subscribe the queue to the TicketPurchased SNS topic, so that every SNS notification gets stored in the Queue, then (in the next lesson) we will create a worker lambda that can process it.

Architecture diagram for SNS and SQS integraiton

In this lesson we will focus on publishing a message through SNS and making sure that it gets delivered in the queue. In the next lesson we will create the worker and we will see how to pull from a queue and mark a message as consumed (deleting it from the queue) by using the AWS SDK.

07.02 - Creating an SNS topic

The first thing we have to do is to create an SNS topic.

So let's update our template.yaml with this new resource:

  Type: "AWS::SNS::Topic"
    TopicName: "ticketless-ticketPurchased"

Here we are simply defining a resource of type AWS::SNS::Topic and giving the topic the name ticketless-ticketPurchased.

We want to be able from our ticket purchase API to publish a message on this topic, so we also need to expand our permissions in the GigsApiRole.

Specifically we need to allow the action sns:Publish on the newly created resource.

To do this we have to append the following statement in our existing policy under the GigsApiRole.

- Effect: Allow
  - sns:Publish
    Ref: TicketPurchasedTopic

In order to publish a message using the AWS SDK, our lambda needs to know the ARN of the topic. This value is generated by AWS and an easy way to propagate this information to the lambda is to use environment variables.

In SAM we can define environment variables in a Lambda with the property Environment and inside it Variables.

Therefore, to propagate the SNS topic ARN, we have to update our purchaseTicket Lambda definition with the following attributes:

    SNS_TOPIC_ARN: !Ref TicketPurchasedTopic

Then in our lambda code we will be able to access the current value of the topic ARN with

const topicARN = process.env.SNS_TOPIC_ARN

At this point you can deploy the new stack with the usual commands:

sam package --template-file template.yaml --s3-bucket $DEPLOYMENT_BUCKET --output-template-file packaged.yaml
sam deploy --template-file packaged.yaml --stack-name $STACK_NAME --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM

If everything went fine you should be now able to list all the available SNS topics from the AWS cli and see our newly created topic:

aws sns list-topics

It should output something like this:

  "Topics": [
      "TopicArn": "arn:aws:sns:eu-west-1:123456789012:ticketless-ticketPurchased"

Note: of course, you might have more SNS topics in your account, but you should definitely have the ticketless-ticketPurchased topic among them)

07.03 - Publishing a message from a Lambda

At this point we are ready to update our purchaseTicket lambda in order to publish an SNS message containing the data for the current ticket and the data of the referenced gig.

Ideally our SNS message content should be an object containing two keys: ticket and gig:

  • ticket is an object that should contain the following fields:

    • id: a unique (and super-secret™) identification string used to verify the ticket validity
    • createdAt: the timestamp of ticket creation
    • name: the name of the owner of the ticket
    • email: the email of the owner of the ticket
    • gig: the slug of the gig associated to the ticket
  • gig: is the full object (as stored in DynamoDB) that represent the associated gig

This is all the information we might need to use in our worker lambda and it's a good practice to propagate it directly in the SNS message.

💡 TIP: you can easily generate a unique ID with the module uuid

💡 TIP: to generate the current timestamp you can simply use

Try now to update the purchaseTicket lambda to publish the expected SNS message just before returning the success response to API Gateway.

To do this you can use the following template as a guide or check out my solution at resources/lambda/sns-sqs:

const sns = new AWS.SNS()

exports.purchaseTicket = (event, context, callback) => {
  // ... (previous validation logic)

  // ... before sending the success response
  // 1. fetch the current gig from DynamoDB
  // 2. create the ticket object
  // 3. create the SNS message
  // 4. use the SDK to send the SNS message
  // 5. if the message publishing fails respond with a 500
  // 6. if it succeeds return the success message

When you feel that your code is ready you can deploy this new version of our app as usual:

sam package --template-file template.yaml --s3-bucket $DEPLOYMENT_BUCKET --output-template-file packaged.yaml
sam deploy --template-file packaged.yaml --stack-name $STACK_NAME --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM

If we try now to purchase a new ticket nothing visible really happens so that we can sure the feature is working as expected.

Even if we implemented the SNS publishing correctly there's no topic subscription that is waiting for messages in our current setup, so when a message is published it simply gets discarded.

An easy way to test this step is to create an email subscription so that we can receive an email every time a new message is published in the ticketPurchased topic.

You can create an email subscription with the following command:

aws sns subscribe \
  --topic-arn <your topic ARN> \
  --protocol email \
  --notification-endpoint <your email>

Be sure to replace <your topic ARN> with your one (that you can retrieve with aws sns list-topics) and <your email> with an actual email you own.

If the command worked correctly you should see the following output:

  "SubscriptionArn": "pending confirmation"

To confirm the subscription, log in in your email account and check the last email from AWS Notifications. There should be there a link to click. Once you do that you should see a page like this:

Subscription confirmed

After that you should be able to list all the currently available subscriptions with the following command:

aws sns list-subscriptions-by-topic --topic-arn <your topic ARN>

Now try again to purchase a ticket from the frontend application. This time, after few seconds, you should receive a message in your inbox!

💡 TIP: if you want to delete the subscription you can do it so with the unsubscribe command, or, if you still have the AWS subscription confirmation page open, you'll find an 'unsubscribe' link there.

07.04 - Connect SQS to SNS

Now we have everything in place to fire SNS messages in our new topic.

The next logical step is to create a queue and subscribe it to the SNS topic.

We can achieve this by updating our template.yaml.

The first change is to define the new queue as resource:

  Type: "AWS::SQS::Queue"
    QueueName: "ticketless-ticketPurchased"

Then we have to update the TicketPurchasedTopic to add a subscription for our new queue:

  Type: "AWS::SNS::Topic"
    TopicName: "ticketless-ticketPurchased"
      - Endpoint: !GetAtt TicketPurchasedQueue.Arn
        Protocol: "sqs"

As you might have learned already, anything that happens in AWS needs an explicit permission in the form of a policy. The same goes for queues!

In order to receive a message from some resource a queue need to have a policy that explicitly authorizes that.

So, let's create this QueuePolicy in the resource block of our template.yaml:

  Type: AWS::SQS::QueuePolicy
      - Ref: TicketPurchasedQueue
      Version: "2012-10-17"
      Id: "ReceiveFromSnsPolicy"
        - Sid: "ReceiveFromSns"
          Effect: "Allow"
          Principal: "*"
            - sqs:SendMessage
          Resource: "*"
              "aws:SourceArn": !Ref TicketPurchasedTopic

That's finally it! Ready to re-deploy:

sam package --template-file template.yaml --s3-bucket $DEPLOYMENT_BUCKET --output-template-file packaged.yaml
sam deploy --template-file packaged.yaml --stack-name $STACK_NAME --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM

If everything went fine you should now be able to see the new queue with the following command:

aws sqs list-queues

Which should output something like this:

  "QueueUrls": [

You can also check if the subscription was created correctly with:

aws sns list-subscriptions-by-topic --topic-arn <your topic ARN>


If everything went all right, you can now go back to the frontend and purchase a new ticket!

Of course there's a command to check if messages are accumulating in the queue.

Given that you already know the queue URL from the last step:

aws sqs get-queue-attributes \
  --queue-url <your queue URL> \
  --attribute-names "ApproximateNumberOfMessages"

This should output something like:

  "Attributes": {
    "ApproximateNumberOfMessages": "0"

The number of messages should increase if you keep purchasing new tickets!

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◀︎ 06 — Purchase ticket API 08 — Worker Lambda ▶︎