This document shows you how to create a new AWS User with admin permissions and get the associated Access Key ID and Secret Access Key.
To create a new user on your AWS account you have to use the IAM (Identity Access Management) service:
From IAM, select "Users" on the left and then "Add User" on top
At this point you can enter the chosen username and select the access type.
For the sake of this workshop it's necessary to have only the programmatic access.
You can keep using your own main user if you want to access the web console.
Give the user admin permissions by selecting the Admin group or an equivalent group (with AdministratorAccess policy).
In this section you can easily review all the options before proceeding.
Finally your user is created and here you can get your Access Key ID and Secret Access Key.
Store them in a safe place as you won't be able to visualize this a second time.
Have fun 🤓 and remember to delete this user at the end of the workshop if you want to keep your AWS account clean and safe.