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Developer Guidelines

luebbers edited this page Aug 16, 2010 · 1 revision


This is the Developer’s Guide to the ReconOS project. It’s purpose is to show newcomers how to find their way around the repository quickly, and to establish a common basis for collaboration. It’s not meant to impose restrictions, but to give a set of sensible directions to ease collaboration. If, for example, all source code follows a certain set of design guides, it is easier for a contributor from one area of the project to find his way around another part in the source tree.

After all, the Guidelines, too, are open to change. If you have any suggestions for changes, improvements, or additions, please do not hesitate to discuss your ideas on the reconos-devel mailing list.

General overview 

If you just want to use ReconOS for your own multithreaded applications, you should refer to the ReconOS User’s Guide. At this point, however, it is very likely that using ReconOS means participating in the development of ReconOS itself, so these Developer Guidelines are also a valuable source for information for new users.

Mailing lists 

There are currently two active mailing lists for ReconOS:

  • reconos-devel — carries all discussions and requests regarding the development of ReconOS. This is currently also the place to ask any questions regarding the installation of ReconOS and how to program multithreaded applications using it. TODO: link archives
  • reconos-git — receives all commit emails from the repository. It is highly recommended for active developers to subscribe to this list; this way we can catch erroneous checkins and bugs early. This list sets its Reply-To header to the reconos-devel mailing list.


There are three main sources for documentation:

  • Publications
  • User’s Guide
  • Developer Documentation


Currently the best way to get an overview of the concepts of ReconOS are the journal and conference publications.
The most comprehensive summary is probably given in

Enno Lübbers and Marco Platzner. ReconOS: Multithreaded Programming for Reconfigurable Computers. ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS). Volume 9, Number 1, October 2009, ACM. Link to Publisher

A more extensive description can be found in

Enno Lübbers. Multithreaded Programming and Execution Models for Reconfigurable Hardware. PhD thesis, Computer Science Department, University of Paderborn, ISBN: 978-3-8325-2463-0, 2010. Logos Verlag Berlin. Download PDF

Beyond this, you should probably refer to the User’s Guide and the Developer Documentation. All ReconOS-related publications are centrally referenced here.

User’s guide 

The User’s Guide details the ReconOS APIs, installation instructions, tool usage, and generally includes information useful for applying the ReconOS programming model and tool chain to build multithreaded HW/SW applications.

It can be found at the main ReconOS web site. FIXME

The User’s Guide is generated from TeXinfo sources located in the main ReconOS repository.

Contributions to the User’s Guide (e.g., tutorials, tool documentation, API examples etc.) are always and especially welcome.

Developer documentation 

The Developer Documentation is a collection of articles explaining the internals of the ReconOS infrastructure. They are currently located within this wiki (see the list of pages on the right). See also the “Code to read” section below.

Code to read 

As you will by now probably have gathered, ReconOS builds on top of existing software operating systems, such as eCos and Linux, and extends them to supports hardware threads executed on reconfigurable devices. The main areas of ReconOS are thus

  • Hardware threads — these are the executable units of an application mapped to the FPGA
  • Hardware infrastructure — this includes the OSIF as well as supporting hardware modules
  • OS integration — this is software for managing hardware threads and integrating them with the respective OS kernel

If you are comfortable with C, C++ and/or VHDL, a look at the sources will lead to a better understanding of the way ReconOS works If you come from a hardware design background (i.e. you know VHDL or Verilog), start from top to bottom (i.e., start with the hardware threads and read the OS integration last); if you come from a software background (i.e. you know your way around the eCos or Linux kernel), it may be better to start from bottom to top. This way you’ll see the things first where you’re more likely to contribute in the beginning.


In order to understand ReconOS, knowledge of the following certainly helps and is sometimes ssumed throughout the documentation (listed in order of importance):

  • C
  • VHDL
  • Xilinx tools for FPGA synthesis and implementation (especially the EDK for building reconfigurable SoCs)
  • digital logic design
  • Python and shell scripting

On the other hand, working with and on ReconOS is a sure way to become more familiar with the above — and there are always people on the mailing list willing to help or give pointers in the right direction!

Hardware threads 

Hardware threads are written in VHDL and structured in a certain way. A number of good examples for hardware threads are present in the repository under /demos:

  • sort_demo
    • sort8k.vhd — this thread sorts 8kByte chunks of data and uses message boxes and shared memory

TODO: more examples!

The API used by hardware threads to interact with the operating system is defined in the /core/pcores/reconos package.

Hardware infrastructure 

The main component of a ReconOS system is the operating system interface (OSIF). The OSIF is built in a modular way so that it can be easily adapted to new bus architectures. Its mein functionality resides in the /core/pcores/osif_core. The individual bus-specific wrappers all refer back to osif_core (see, for example, xps_osif, which incorporates the PLBv46 bus interface).

OS integration 


Directory layout 

The suggested (FIXME) directory structure of the ReconOS repository is as follows:

  • core — source code for central ReconOS components (both software and hardware)
    • pcores — all Xilinx EDK IP ores and libraries required by ReconOS. This is where most of the hardware infrastructure is defined
    • ecos — official eCos repository augmented with ReconOS extensions
    • linux — linux device drivers for ReconOS components; ReconOS-specific kernel patches
  • demos — complete ReconOS projects serving as examples
  • doc — static ReconOS documentation (User’s Guide, documentation templates)
  • support — supporting files and materials (reference designs, code templates, command definitions)
  • tests — automated tests (components, simulations, integration tests) including the respective testing frameworks
  • tools — components of the ReconOS tool chain

For more details of the respective subdirectories, refer to the README files within.

Version numbering scheme 

Version (or release) numbers within ReconOS mostly follow the scheme used for Xilinx IP cores, e.g.:


where Major is the major release number, minor is a two-digit minor release number, and Micro is a single-letter mirco release identifier. For example, the ReconOS VHDL library package with Major ‘2’, Minor ‘1’ and Micro ‘a’ is located in


Usually, cores and components used together always have the exact same version identifier. There is an environment variable $RECONOS_VER which is used by the build scripts to choose which core versions to use.

Coding and commit conventions 

Set your username and password 


git config --global Foo Bar
git config --global

before committing anything to your local repository. This makes sure that your changes are linked to your github account when pushing them to the ReconOS repository. It also makes sense to use the same name and e-mail for all commits, or at least to mention all email addresses in your github account.

Do that now. :)

Use single-line commit message summaries 

Keep your commit message summaries short, and one line (< 50 characters is a sensible limit, and actually hinted on when using vim to edit commit messages). These summary messages are used widely within git and github, so try and make them meaningful. Preferably start the summary with a capital letter.

If you want to add a more elaborate description of your commit (which is a good thing), seperate it from the first summary line by a newline, and insert linebreaks at 72 characters, e.g.:

Add workaround for error during partial reconfiguration

It seems that the order in which the prmX_YYY_routed_partial.bit.o files are
linked to produce the final application .elf file is significant.
However, we are unsure whether sorting them by name (as this fix does) helps.

or alternatively, as a list:

Added feature 'foo' to 'bar'

    * command XY will now do Z
    * function A now expects an additional parameter P
    * interface I is now public

See also this blog post by Tim Pope.

No tabs 

The standard convention is to use 4 (four) spaces for indentation in all source files. This has mainly historical reasons; it’s what the eCos sources do, and most existing code in the repository is formatted this way.

If you are using vi(m), use the following configuration:

set shiftwidth=4
set smarttab
set expandtab
set softtabstop=4

To see whether an existing file uses spaces or tabs (in order not to mess it up when editing), issue:

set listchars=tab:>-,eol:$,trail:.,extends:#
set list

FIXME: Emacs users can use the following (haven’t tested this):

(setq c-basic-offset 4)
(setq indent-tabs-mode nil)

TODO: We might embed this into the source files themselves.

Automatic source code formatting 

There are existing tools for automatic formatting of source code. For VHDL, this is vhdl-beautify in tools/bin. For C/C++, you can use indent with the following options:

indent -kr -nut -prs

It is not required to run every file through these filters before submitting patches or commiting into the repository — they are mainly meant as references to keep the style as consistent as possible.

TODO: This style is not consistently carried out within the repository. Change that?

Building and testing 


Reporting bugs and other issues 


Submitting patches