This is a meta repository for all that is needed for ARA
The binaries and toolchain locations are managed by native files.
llvm-config = '/usr/lib/llvm/14/bin/llvm-config'
python = '/usr/bin/python3.12'
To use your own LLVM-Build you need these following flags for cmake for building LLVM:
To build the project:
# Create a Meson build directory, e.g. on Debian and Meson reports possible targets then.
meson setup build --native-file native-debian.ini
# Updating meson subprojects (ARA, toolchains, etc.)
meson subprojects update --reset
# You want to deactivate some applications with
meson setup build --native-file native-debian.ini -Dbuild_gpslogger=false -Dbuild_librepilot=false -Dbuild_zephyr=false -Dbuild_ironos=false -Dbuild_infinitime=false -Dbuild_i4copter=false -Dbuild_posix_apps=false -Dbuild_libmicrohttpd=false
# If you want to change meson options in an already configured directory, use
meson configure ...
# building everything
cd build
meson compile
All build dependencies including clang, toolchains etc. are preinstalled in the Docker file.
cd Docker
# authenticate with your SRA credentials
docker login
docker build -t .
# run the container and attach to it