🧠🤖 Deep learning platform to register faces classify them by several categories by:
- Gender: Male or Female
- Age ranges: at this moment we're trying to classify by 99 range of years
- Feelings:
- Happiness
- Surprise
- Indifference
- Bewilderment
Also this should hashing the faces to avoid register duplicate data and get recurrency.
- Download imdb dataset
- TODO: Extract info about gender and age from [matlab file]
- Copy result in project/ml/train/dataset
- Train model:
python main.py -t params.json
- Run
python main.py -m <model_id>
- >= Python3.6
- pip3
- Cuda 10.2
- Nvidia drivers (dev ~> 440.64.00)
- WebCam
- Docker and Docker-Compose