A Helm chart for deploying a FastAPI demo. You can find an example in this repo.
# This downloads required external charts, postgresql in this particular case
helm dependency update
# This creates a new k8s namespace (only if you didn't create it yet)
kubectl create namespace fast-api-demo-ns
# And this deploy the chart for the first time
helm install fast-api-demo --namespace fast-api-demo-ns -f values.yaml .
# With this command you can upgrade it
helm upgrade fast-api-demo --namespace fast-api-demo-ns -f values.yaml .
# This will show you all revisions of your deployments
helm history fast-api-demo --namespace fast-api-demo-ns
# This allows you to switch to a previous revision (1 in this example)
helm rollback fast-api-demo --namespace fast-api-demo-ns 1
# And with this other you can delete it
helm delete fast-api-demo --namespace fast-api-demo-ns