migrator v4.0 comes with the following changes:
- gin web framework introduced together with new versioned API #67
- IMPORTANT /v1/ API is not backward compatible, see README.md for details
- diskLoader no longer uses dir walking to read all source migrations - this was an issue when the baseDir was a top dir of the whole project which consisted of thousands of files #64
- upgrade alpine and golang images used for migrator docker image builds #65
- ApplyMigrations() and AddTenantAndApplyMigrations() now return a Result struct which contains a summary of all applied migrations and scripts #66
- migrator can return only Result struct JSON representation (response: summary) or Results and all applied migrations (response: full) #71, see README.md for details
- migrator now supports: apply, sync, and dry-run modes. apply loads and applies all source migrations and scripts, sync creates migrator entries but does not apply migrations nor scripts - this mode is useful when switching between legacy DB migration framework to migrator, dry-run - is an apply operation except the fact that at the end of the operation transaction rollback is called #72, see README.md for details