[BREAKING CHANGES] New Money Formatter + 7.4 Support
This should solve PHP7.4 depreciating of money_fomrat. Also it should solve windows not being able to use LaraCart at all.
International Formatting
International formatting has been replaced with currency code in the config.
| The currency code changes how you see the actual amounts.
| This is the list of all valid currency codes
| https://www2.1010data.com/documentationcenter/prod/1010dataReferenceManual/DataTypesAndFormats/currencyUnitCodes.html
'currency_code' => 'USD',
The Format Money Function
formatMoney signature has changed
public static function formatMoney($number, $locale = null, $internationalFormat = false, $format = true)
public static function formatMoney($number, $locale = null, $currencyCode = null, $format = true)
So please look through your code and replace anytime that you are using the $internationalFormat