Port of ODH Tourim Api to .Net Core.
- .Net Core 5
- PostgreSQL Database
- Docker Support
- Swagger Support
- Identity Server Integration (Keycloak)
- Full Async Api
- improved Api Error Handling
- Browseable Api
- Swagger / Openapi Support
- Advanced api operations 1/2 (fields chooser, language selector, search terms)
- Advanced api operation 2/2 (raw sorting, raw filtering)
- Compatibility tourism api
Definition of all ODH Tourism Models
Api to retrieve ODH Tourism Data
Workerservice which is importing the Data with help of the Data Collectors
Class Library with Extension Methods and other ODH Helper Methods
Data Collectors used by Api and Importer, usually containing classes that retrieve Data, and classes that parse the data to ODH Objects (defined in DataModel)
Postgres 12 Extensions active on DB
- extension earthdistance;
- extension cube;
- extension pg_trgm;
Custom Functions on DB
- json_array_to_pg_array
- extract_keys_from_jsonb_object_array
- text2ts
These custom functions are used for the generated Columns
Test Server on https://api.tourism.testingmachine.eu
Production Server on https://tourism.api.opendatahub.bz.it
Clone the repository
Copy .env.example
to .env
Set the needed environment variables
- PG_CONNECTION (Connection to Postgres Database)
- MSS_USER; (Optional User to retrieve availability request from HGV Mss)
- MSS_PSWD; (Optional Pswd to retrieve availability request from HGV Mss)
- LCS_USER; (Optional User to retrieve availability request from Lts)
- LCS_PSWD; (Optional Pswd to retrieve availability request from Lts)
- LCS_MSGPSWD; (Optional Messagepswd to retrieve availability requests from LTS)
- SIAG_USER; (Optional User to retrieve data from Siag)
- SIAG_PSWD; (Optional Pswd to retrieve data from Siag)
- XMLDIR; (Directory where xml config file is stored)
- JSONPATH; (Directory where json files are stored)
- S3_BUCKET_ACCESSPOINT; (S3 Bucket for Image Upload accesspoint)
- S3_IMAGEUPLOADER_ACCESSKEY; (S3 Bucket for Image Upload accesskey)
- S3_IMAGEUPLOADER_SECRETKEY; (S3 Bucket for Image Upload secretkey)
- OAUTH_AUTORITY; (Oauth Server Authority URL)
- ELK_URL; (Serilog Elasticsearch Sink Elastic URL)
- ELK_TOKEN; (Serilog Elasticsearch Access Token)
- EBMS_USER; (Optional User to access EBMS interface)
- EBMS_PASS; (Optional Pswd to access EBMS interface)
- DSS_USER; (Optional User to access DSS interface)
- DSS_PSWD; (Optional Pswd to access DSS interface)
- DSS_SERVICEURL; (Optional DSS interface serviceurl)
- RAVEN_USER; (Optional User to access Raven interface)
- RAVEN_PSWD; (Optional Pswd to access Raven interface)
- RAVEN_SERVICEURL; (Optional Raven interface serviceurl)
go into \OdhApiCore\ folder
docker-compose up
starts the odh-api appliaction on http://localhost:60209/
go into \OdhApiImporter\ folder
docker-compose up
starts the odh-api appliaction on http://localhost:60210/
Install .Net Core SDK 5
go into \OdhApiCore\ folder
dotnet run
starts the application on
Activate extensions
CREATE EXTENSION earthdistance;
Custom functions for Postgres Generated Columns creation
- text2ts
RETURNS timestamp without time zone
AS $function$SELECT CASE WHEN $1 ~'^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}(\.\d+)?(?:Z|\+\d{2}:\d{2})?$' THEN CAST($1 AS timestamp without time zone) END$function$;
- json_array_to_pg_array
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION json_array_to_pg_array(jsonarray jsonb)
RETURNS text[]
LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $function$ begin if jsonarray <> 'null' then return (select array(select jsonb_array_elements_text(jsonarray))); else return null; end if; end; $function$;
- extract_keys_from_jsonb_object_array
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION extract_keys_from_jsonb_object_array(jsonarray jsonb, key text DEFAULT 'Id'::text)
RETURNS text[]
LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $function$ begin if jsonarray <> 'null' then return (select array(select data2::jsonb->> key from (select jsonb_array_elements_text(jsonarray) as data2) as subsel)); else return null; end if; end; $function$;