Highlight unwanted whitespace across you project files. The fun part is that you can come up with your own palette of colors used for a specific pattern per a filetype!
Почитать на русском 🇷🇺
Go to the Current Colorscheme section
to see what each color stands for.
(Unfortunately placing it here breaks syntax
highlighting for all multi-line code blocks below it)
With lazy.nvim
With packer.nvim
use "lukoshkin/highlight-whitespace"
keyword - "main" pattern for trailing whitespace highlighting
- boolean opt to clear highlighting in the current buffer
before switching to another
opts = {
tws = "\\s\\+$",
clear_on_bufleave = false,
palette = {
markdown = {
tws = 'RosyBrown',
['\\S\\@<=\\s\\(\\.\\|,\\)\\@='] = 'CadetBlue3',
['\\S\\@<= \\{2,\\}\\S\\@='] = 'SkyBlue1',
['\\t\\+'] = 'plum4',
other = {
tws = 'PaleVioletRed',
['\\S\\@<=\\s,\\@='] = 'coral1',
['\\S\\@<=\\(#\\|--\\)\\@<! \\{2,3\\}\\S\\@=\\(#\\|--\\)\\@!'] = 'LightGoldenrod3',
['\\(#\\|--\\)\\@<= \\{2,\\}\\S\\@='] = '#3B3B3B',
['\\S\\@<= \\{3,\\}\\(#\\|--\\)\\@='] = '#3B3B3B',
['\\t\\+'] = 'plum4',
use {
config = function ()
require'highlight-whitespace'.setup {
tws = '\\s\\+$',
clear_on_bufleave = false,
palette = {
markdown = {
tws = 'RosyBrown',
['\\S\\@<=\\s\\(\\.\\|,\\)\\@='] = 'CadetBlue3',
['\\S\\@<= \\{2,\\}\\S\\@='] = 'SkyBlue1',
['\\t\\+'] = 'plum4',
other = {
tws = 'PaleVioletRed',
['\\S\\@<=\\s,\\@='] = 'coral1',
['\\S\\@<=\\(#\\|--\\)\\@<! \\{2,3\\}\\S\\@=\\(#\\|--\\)\\@!'] = 'LightGoldenrod3',
['\\(#\\|--\\)\\@<= \\{2,\\}\\S\\@='] = '#3B3B3B',
['\\S\\@<= \\{3,\\}\\(#\\|--\\)\\@='] = '#3B3B3B',
['\\t\\+'] = 'plum4',
Ignoring specific filetypes is possible by setting an empty table next to a
filetype in the palette
To highlight only python and markdown filetypes
palette = {
python = {
-- some patterns
markdown = {
-- some patterns
other = {},
To ignore highlighting only in javascript
palette = {
javascript = {},
other = {
-- some patterns
This section refers to the GIF at the README beginning