This is a simple library for enabling your Play Scala application to authenticate using Google Open Connect.
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"com.lunatech" %% "play-googleopenconnect" % "<latest-version>"
For user verification, leave empty if users can be of any domain.[""]
For users that are an admin for your application you can specify an array of emails
Optionally you can define some of the error messages in your application.conf
. Setting any of these overrides the default response.
Full code example can be found at Github
Implement a trait which you will use for your controllers, defining methods below when a user is not authenticated or authorized:
trait Secured extends GoogleSecured {
override def onUnauthorized(request: RequestHeader): Result = Results.Redirect(routes.Application.login())
override def onForbidden(request: RequestHeader): Result = Results.Forbidden("YOU ARE NOT ADMIN!!!")
Optionally override given methods when for example you want to retrieve admin users from a database
override def isAdmin(email: String): Boolean =
Next use the methods in your controller
class TestController @Inject()(val configuration: Configuration,
val environment: Environment) extends Controller with Secured {
def adminAction = adminAction { implicit request =>
Ok("adminAction" +
def asyncAdminAction = adminAction.async { implicit request =>
Future.successful(Ok("asyncAdminAction" +
def authenticatedAction = userAction { implicit request =>
Ok("authenticatedAction" +
def asyncAuthenticatedAction = userAction.async { implicit request =>
Future.successful(Ok("asyncAuthenticatedAction" +
And create a controller with methods for login, authenticate and logout
class Authentication @Inject()(configuration: Configuration, environment: Environment, auth: Authenticate) extends Controller {
* Login page.
def login = Action { implicit request =>
if (environment.mode == Mode.Prod) {
} else {
Redirect(routes.Application.index()).withSession("email" -> "")
def authenticate(code: String) = Action.async {
val response = auth.authenticateToken(code) {
case Left(parameters) => Redirect(routes.Application.index()).withSession(parameters.toArray: _*)
case Right(message) => Redirect(routes.Authentication.login()).withNewSession.flashing("error" -> message.toString())
* Logout and clean the session.
def logout = Action {
Redirect(routes.Authentication.login()).withNewSession.flashing("success" -> "You've been logged out")
To release a new package to GitHub follow these steps:
- Create a new tag and publish the release on GitHub here
- Then just wait for the release action to fully run. Everything should be fully automated.