Bounce-Free Rotary Encoder Library
+ Standard or Multiplexed Wiring
+ Push Button Support
+ Callback System
All common encoders with and without push buttons
Directly connected encoders (A+B+Button to pins)
Multiplexed encoders using
Easy to adapt for your preferred multiplexer
Interrupt based or polled readout strategies
PJRC Teensy (Teensy-LC, Teensy 3.x, Teensy 4.x, MicroMod)
SAMD (SEEED XIAO, Nano33 ...)
8bit Arduino AVR (UNO, Nano, Mega...)
Fallback solution for other boards (using slow digitalRead/Write)
Fully bounce free readout without additional hardware
Provides hard and cyclic count limits
Supports and debounces encoder push buttons
Modern callback system for event driven applications
Encoders can be connected directly (A / B / Btn connected to pins)
Encoder connection using various multiplexers (up to 32 encoders on only 4 control pins)
Schematics and Gerbers available for multiplexed encoder boards (Eagle/KiCad).