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IoT program for Arduino Uno / STM32 Blue Pill (libopencm3) that reads BME280 temperature + humidity + altitude sensors, via I2C or SPI with DMA and multitasking. Sends sensor data to Sigfox via Wisol Sigfox module on UART. Runs on cocoOS task scheduling library


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IoT program for Arduino Uno and STM32 Blue Pill (with libopencm3) to read BME280 I2C temperature, humidity and altitude sensors and send the aggregated sensor data to the Sigfox IoT network (via the Wisol Sigfox module connected on UART). Supports Sigfox downlink too. Multitasking of the sensors is handled by cocoOS, the portable task scheduling framework:

Read the tutorials:

The code compiles under the Arduino IDE, Arduino Web Editor, and Visual Studio Code with the PlatformIO extension installed. You'll need to install the following libraries:

Tested with Arduino Uno and STM32 Blue Pill.

You may use the code here for any purpose, including private and commercial use. The code is licensed under the MIT Licence.

Select Features By Article

Each tutorial article in the series is configured with a different set of features. To allow new articles to be published without breaking the features of the older articles, we configure the article that we wish to use in platform.h

Edit platform.h and uncomment only ONE of these lines:

//  Configure the features according to the article.  Only one of these CONFIG_ARTICLEx should be defined.
//  #define CONFIG_ARTICLE1  //  Uncomment to support Article #1: 
                             //  "Juggling Arduino Sensors With cocoOS" 
//  #define CONFIG_ARTICLE2  //  Uncomment to support Article #2: 
                             //  "Juggling Sigfox Downlink And Arduino Sensors With cocoOS" 
//  #define CONFIG_ARTICLE3  //  Uncomment to support Article #3: 
                             //  "Juggling STM32 Blue Pill For Arduino Jugglers"
//  #define CONFIG_ARTICLE4  //  Uncomment to support Article #4: 
                             //  "Watch STM32 Blue Pill Juggle Two SPI Sensors With DMA"
//  #define CONFIG_ARTICLE5  //  Uncomment to support Article #5: 
                             //  "Connect STM32 Blue Pill To Sigfox"
//  ( future articles)

Create Source File Links For PlatformIO

To compile the project under PlatformIO in Visual Studio Code, the source files should be symbolically linked into the folder src

Open a Windows, Mac or Ubuntu command prompt and enter:

git clone
cd send_altitude_cocoos

Download cocoOS_5.0.3 from

Copy the cocoOS_5.0.3 source files (inc/*.h, src/*.c) into send_altitude_cocoos at this subfolder:


There should not be any folders inside lib/cocoOS_5.0.3/src

Then enter the following into the command prompt…

For Windows:


For Mac and Ubuntu:

chmod +x scripts/*.sh

To allow Arduino IDE and PlatformIO to share the same cocoOS library cocoOS_5.0.3:

ln -s ~/send_altitude_cocoos/lib/cocoOS_5.0.3/src/ ~/Documents/Arduino/libraries/cocoOS_5.0.3

Arduino IDE does not compile if send_altitude_cocoos/src contains any files. Run scripts/ to remove the links before compiling in Arduino IDE.

Build for STM32 Blue Pill with PlatformIO

To build for STM32 Blue Pill on Visual Studio Code and PlatformIO, edit platformio.ini and uncomment the bluepill_f103c8 line (by removing ; in front):

env_default = bluepill_f103c8

And comment the uno line (by inserting ; in front):

; env_default = uno

Install OpenOCD For Displaying STM32 Blue Pill Debug Log

  • For Windows:

    1. Download OpenOCD (for debugging the Blue Pill) from the unofficial OpenOCD release website:
      Look for gnu-mcu-eclipse-openocd-…

    2. Unzip the OpenOCD download and copy the OpenOCD files into c:\openocd such that opencd.exe is located in the folder c:\openocd\bin

  • For Mac:

    brew install openocd
  • For Ubuntu:

    sudo apt install openocd

For Windows only: Install ST-Link USB Driver

  1. For Windows only: Download the ST-Link USB driver from the ST-Link Driver Website (email registration required):

  2. Scroll down and click the Get Software button

  3. Unzip the ST-Link download. Double-click the dpinst_amd64.exe installer.

Enabling I2C Interface on STM32 Blue Pill

To enable the actual STM32 Blue Pill I2C interface to read a real BME280 sensor module (instead of using the BME280 I2C simulator), edit platform.h and comment out the following line:

//  #define SIMULATE_BME280  //  Uncomment to simulate a BME280 sensor connected to I2C Bus.

Rebuild the project. We support only Blue Pill I2C Port 1:
SCL1 = Pin PB6
SDA1 = Pin PB7

Enabling UART Interface on STM32 Blue Pill

To enable the actual STM32 Blue Pill UART interface to transmit via a real Wisol Sigfox transceiver (instead of using the Wisol Sigfox simulator), edit platform.h and comment out the following line:

//  #define SIMULATE_WISOL //  Uncomment to simulate a Wisol Sigfox module connected to UART.

Then install the Boost libraries by executing the following script:

For Windows:

cd send_altitude_cocoos

For Mac and Ubuntu:

cd send_altitude_cocoos

Rebuild the project. We support only Blue Pill USART Port 2:
RX2 = Pin PA3
TX2 = Pin PA2

Downlink Server Support


When a message needs to be acknowledged, the callback selected for the downlink data must send data in the HTTP response. It must contain the 8 bytes data that will be sent to the device asking for acknowledgment. The data is JSON formatted, and must be structured as the following :

  { "YOUR_DEVICE_ID" : { "downlinkData" : "deadbeefcafebabe" } }    

With YOUR_DEVICE_ID being replaced by the corresponding device id, in hexadecimal format, up to 8 digits. The downlink data must be 8 bytes in hexadecimal format. For example:

  { "002C2EA1" : { "downlinkData" : "0102030405060708" } }

In AWS Lambda you can create a function to return the downlink like this (use API Gateway to expose as REST URL):

//  Demonstrates a simple Sigfox Downlink HTTP endpoint using AWS Lambda and API Gateway. 
exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
    console.log('Received event:', JSON.stringify(event, null, 2));    
    //  Get device ID from the JSON string in the POST request, which looks like:
    //  {"device": "2C2EA1", "data": "0102030405060708090a0b0c", ...}
    const body = event.body ? JSON.parse(event.body) : {};    
    const device = body.device || '002C2EA1';  //  Default device ID to 002C2EA1 if missing.

    //  TODO: This is the 8-byte downlink data to be returned, in 16 hex digits.
    const data = 'fedcba9876543210';
    //  Compose the JSON downlink response. [device] will be replaced by the device ID.
    const res = { [device]: { 
        "downlinkData" : data
    } };
    //  Return the JSON response to API Gateway.
    return callback(null, {
        statusCode: 200,
        body: JSON.stringify(res),
        headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },

Note: Only the first 4 downlinks per day are guaranteed. You may send more downlink requests but they are not guaranteed.

Source Files

main.cpp: Main program. The Arduino application starts here in function main()

send_altitude_cocoos.ino: Arduino sketch with no code. Arduino IDE requires this file to be present.

Network Code

sigfox.h: Message definitions for the Sigfox network.

wisol.cpp, wisol.h: Network Task to receive and aggregate sensor data from Sensor Task and send to the Sigfox network.

uart.cpp, uart.h: UART Task to send and receive network messages to/from the Sigfox network via a Wisol Sigfox module connected to the serial port.

aggregate.cpp, aggregate.h: Aggregate sensor data from multiple Sensor Tasks and determine if the aggregated sensor data should be sent to the network now.

Sensor Code

sensor.cpp, sensor.h: Sensor Task to poll sensor data repeatedly

bme280.cpp, bme280.h: Interface to BME280 I2C module

alt_sensor.cpp, alt_sensor.h: Altitude sensor (BME280 I2C)

humid_sensor.cpp, humid_sensor.h: Humidity sensor (BME280 I2C)

temp_sensor.cpp, temp_sensor.h: Temperature sensor (BME280 I2C)

gyro_sensor.cpp, gyro_sensor.h: Gyroscope sensor (simulated)

Other Code

display.cpp, display.h: Display Task to display sensor data

scripts/connect.ocd: OpenOCD script to connect to Blue Pill via ST-Link debugger, restart the Blue Pill and display the debug log (Arm Semihosting). Called by the Connect To STM32 Blue Pill task.

STM32 Code

stm32: Platform-specific code for STM32 Blue Pill

stm32/bluepill: STM32 Blue Pill common functions

stm32/logger: Debugger logging library based on ARM Semihosting

stm32/i2cint: I2C Interface. Simulates BME280 sensor.

stm32/uartint: UART Interface. Simulates Wisol Sigfox transceiver.

stm32/porting: Library for porting Arduino code to STM32

Build and Configuration Files

.pioenvs: Build files for PlatformIO

.travis.yml: Travis CI file (outdated)

.vscode: Configuration files for Visual Studio Code

.vscode/tasks.json: Defines the Connect To STM32 Blue Pill task for displaying the Blue Pill log via OpenOCD

platformio.ini: Configuration file for PlatformIO

sketch.json: Arduino sketch details generated by Arduino Web Editor

cmake, CMakeLists.txt: CMake files for building in JetBrains CLion

Sample Log

Uplink Only

> Executing task in folder send_altitude_cocoos: platformio device monitor <

--- Miniterm on /dev/cu.usbmodem1411  9600,8,N,1 ---
--- Quit: Ctrl+C | Menu: Ctrl+T | Help: Ctrl+T followed by Ctrl+H ---
Create semaphore
net >> Wait for net
net >> Got net
>> ATS410=0[0x0d]
<< OK[0x0d]
>> AT$I=10[0x0d]
<< 002C2EA1[0x0d]
 - wisol.getID: 002C2EA1
>> AT$I=11[0x0d]
<< 5BEB8CG64E869BD1[0x0d]
 - wisol.getPAC: 5BEB8CG64E869BD1
net >> Release net
tmp >> poll_sensor
hmd >> poll_sensor
alt >> poll_sensor
alt << Recv sensor data 114.54
tmp >> poll_sensor
tmp << Recv sensor data 34.15
hmd >> poll_sensor
hmd << Recv sensor data 56.09
alt >> poll_sensor
alt << Recv sensor data 112.06
tmp >> poll_sensor
tmp << Recv sensor data 34.13
hmd >> poll_sensor
hmd << Recv sensor data 56.08
alt >> poll_sensor
alt << Recv sensor data 114.19
tmp >> poll_sensor
tmp << Recv sensor data 34.13
hmd >> poll_sensor
hmd << Recv sensor data 56.08
alt >> poll_sensor
alt << Recv sensor data 116.10
tmp >> poll_sensor
tmp << Recv sensor data 34.13
hmd >> poll_sensor
hmd << Recv sensor data 56.09
alt >> poll_sensor
alt << Recv sensor data 115.15
agg >> Send 0000034105601151
net >> Wait for net
net >> Got net
>> AT$GI?[0x0d]
<< 1,6[0x0d]
>> AT[0x0d]
<< OK[0x0d]
net >> Release net
>> AT$SF=0000034105601151[0x0d]
tmp >> poll_sensor
tmp << Recv sensor data 34.12
hmd >> poll_sensor
hmd << Recv sensor data 56.09
alt >> poll_sensor
alt << Recv sensor data 113.02
<< OK[0x0d]
net >> Pending response
tmp >> poll_sensor
tmp << Recv sensor data 34.11
hmd >> poll_sensor
hmd << Recv sensor data 56.10
alt >> poll_sensor
alt << Recv sensor data 113.74
tmp >> poll_sensor
tmp << Recv sensor data 34.10
hmd >> poll_sensor
hmd << Recv sensor data 56.08
alt >> poll_sensor
alt << Recv sensor data 113.16
tmp >> poll_sensor
tmp << Recv sensor data 34.11
hmd >> poll_sensor
hmd << Recv sensor data 56.10
alt >> poll_sensor
alt << Recv sensor data 114.22
tmp >> poll_sensor
tmp << Recv sensor data 34.11
hmd >> poll_sensor
hmd << Recv sensor data 56.10
alt >> poll_sensor
alt << Recv sensor data 114.22
tmp >> poll_sensor
tmp << Recv sensor data 34.11
agg >> Send 0001034105601142
net >> Wait for net
net >> Got net
>> AT$GI?[0x0d]
<< 1,3[0x0d]
>> AT[0x0d]
<< OK[0x0d]
net >> Release net
>> AT$SF=0001034105601142[0x0d]
hmd >> poll_sensor
hmd << Recv sensor data 56.08
alt >> poll_sensor
alt << Recv sensor data 113.28
tmp >> poll_sensor
tmp << Recv sensor data 34.09
<< OK[0x0d]
net >> Pending response
hmd >> poll_sensor
hmd << Recv sensor data 56.08
alt >> poll_sensor
alt << Recv sensor data 114.11
tmp >> poll_sensor
tmp << Recv sensor data 34.09
hmd >> poll_sensor
hmd << Recv sensor data 56.07
alt >> poll_sensor
alt << Recv sensor data 112.70
tmp >> poll_sensor
tmp << Recv sensor data 34.08
hmd >> poll_sensor
hmd << Recv sensor data 56.08
alt >> poll_sensor
alt << Recv sensor data 112.70
tmp >> poll_sensor
tmp << Recv sensor data 34.08
hmd >> poll_sensor
hmd << Recv sensor data 56.07
alt >> poll_sensor
alt << Recv sensor data 114.36
tmp >> poll_sensor
tmp << Recv sensor data 34.08
hmd >> poll_sensor
hmd << Recv sensor data 56.05
agg >> Send 0002034005601143
net >> Wait for net
net >> Got net
>> AT$GI?[0x0d]
<< 1,0[0x0d]
>> AT$RC[0x0d]
<< OK[0x0d]
net >> Release net
alt >> poll_sensor
alt << Recv sensor data 114.84
tmp >> poll_sensor
tmp << Recv sensor data 34.08
hmd >> poll_sensor
hmd << Recv sensor data 56.07
<< OK[0x0d]
net >> Pending response
alt >> poll_sensor
alt << Recv sensor data 114.36
tmp >> poll_sensor
tmp << Recv sensor data 34.08
hmd >> poll_sensor
hmd << Recv sensor data 56.06
alt >> poll_sensor
alt << Recv sensor data 114.01
tmp >> poll_sensor
tmp << Recv sensor data 34.08
hmd >> poll_sensor
hmd << Recv sensor data 56.06
alt >> poll_sensor
alt << Recv sensor data 113.77
tmp >> poll_sensor
tmp << Recv sensor data 34.07
hmd >> poll_sensor
hmd << Recv sensor data 56.06
alt >> poll_sensor
alt << Recv sensor data 113.18
tmp >> poll_sensor
tmp << Recv sensor data 34.06
hmd >> poll_sensor
hmd << Recv sensor data 56.06
alt >> poll_sensor
alt << Recv sensor data 113.77
agg >> Send 0003034005601137
net >> Wait for net
net >> Got net
>> AT$GI?[0x0d]
<< 1,3[0x0d]
>> AT[0x0d]
<< OK[0x0d]
net >> Release net
>> AT$SF=0003034005601137[0x0d]
tmp >> poll_sensor
tmp << Recv sensor data 34.07
hmd >> poll_sensor
hmd << Recv sensor data 56.06
alt >> poll_sensor
alt << Recv sensor data 113.77
<< OK[0x0d]
net >> Pending response
tmp >> poll_sensor
tmp << Recv sensor data 34.07
hmd >> poll_sensor
hmd << Recv sensor data 56.04
alt >> poll_sensor
alt << Recv sensor data 115.08
tmp >> poll_sensor
tmp << Recv sensor data 34.07
hmd >> poll_sensor
hmd << Recv sensor data 56.06
alt >> poll_sensor
alt << Recv sensor data 114.60
tmp >> poll_sensor
tmp << Recv sensor data 34.06
hmd >> poll_sensor
hmd << Recv sensor data 56.07
alt >> poll_sensor
alt << Recv sensor data 115.08
tmp >> poll_sensor
tmp << Recv sensor data 34.06
hmd >> poll_sensor
hmd << Recv sensor data 56.04
alt >> poll_sensor
alt << Recv sensor data 113.18
tmp >> poll_sensor
tmp << Recv sensor data 34.07
agg >> Send 0004034005601131
net >> Wait for net
net >> Got net
>> AT$GI?[0x0d]
<< 1,0[0x0d]
>> AT$RC[0x0d]
<< OK[0x0d]
net >> Release net
>> AT$SF=0004034005601131[0x0d]
hmd >> poll_sensor
hmd << Recv sensor data 56.03
alt >> poll_sensor
alt << Recv sensor data 113.65
tmp >> poll_sensor
tmp << Recv sensor data 34.06
<< OK[0x0d]
net >> Pending response
hmd >> poll_sensor
hmd << Recv sensor data 56.04
alt >> poll_sensor
alt << Recv sensor data 114.48

Uplink and Downlink

> Executing task in folder send_altitude_cocoos: platformio device monitor <

--- Miniterm on /dev/cu.usbmodem1411  9600,8,N,1 ---
--- Quit: Ctrl+C | Menu: Ctrl+T | Help: Ctrl+T followed by Ctrl+H ---
Create semaphore
net >> Wait for net
net >> Got net
>> ATS410=0[0x0d]
<< OK[0x0d]
>> AT$I=10[0x0d]
<< 002C2EA1[0x0d]
 - wisol.getID: 002C2EA1
>> AT$I=11[0x0d]
<< 5BEB8CF64E869BD1[0x0d]
 - wisol.getPAC: 5BEB8CF64E869BD1
net >> Release net
tmp >> poll_sensor
hmd >> poll_sensor
alt >> poll_sensor
alt << Recv sensor data 133.44
tmp >> poll_sensor
tmp << Recv sensor data 34.20
hmd >> poll_sensor
hmd << Recv sensor data 54.59
alt >> poll_sensor
alt << Recv sensor data 133.44
tmp >> poll_sensor
tmp << Recv sensor data 34.19
hmd >> poll_sensor
hmd << Recv sensor data 54.59
alt >> poll_sensor
alt << Recv sensor data 133.09
tmp >> poll_sensor
tmp << Recv sensor data 34.19
hmd >> poll_sensor
hmd << Recv sensor data 54.59
alt >> poll_sensor
alt << Recv sensor data 133.09
tmp >> poll_sensor
tmp << Recv sensor data 34.18
hmd >> poll_sensor
hmd << Recv sensor data 54.59
alt >> poll_sensor
alt << Recv sensor data 135.23
agg >> Send 0000034105451352
net >> Wait for net
net >> Got net
>> AT$GI?[0x0d]
<< 1,6[0x0d]
>> AT[0x0d]
<< OK[0x0d]
net >> Release net
>> AT$SF=0000034105451352,1[0x0d]
tmp >> poll_sensor
tmp << Recv sensor data 34.18
hmd >> poll_sensor
hmd << Recv sensor data 54.60
alt >> poll_sensor
alt << Recv sensor data 134.17
tmp >> poll_sensor
tmp << Recv sensor data 34.18
hmd >> poll_sensor
hmd << Recv sensor data 54.61
alt >> poll_sensor
alt << Recv sensor data 134.88
tmp >> poll_sensor
tmp << Recv sensor data 34.18
hmd >> poll_sensor
hmd << Recv sensor data 54.63
alt >> poll_sensor
alt << Recv sensor data 133.46
tmp >> poll_sensor
tmp << Recv sensor data 34.18
hmd >> poll_sensor
hmd << Recv sensor data 54.63
alt >> poll_sensor
alt << Recv sensor data 133.82
tmp >> poll_sensor
tmp << Recv sensor data 34.18
hmd >> poll_sensor
hmd << Recv sensor data 54.63
alt >> poll_sensor
alt << Recv sensor data 132.99
tmp >> poll_sensor
tmp << Recv sensor data 34.18
hmd >> poll_sensor
hmd << Recv sensor data 54.62
alt >> poll_sensor
alt << Recv sensor data 134.05
tmp >> poll_sensor
tmp << Recv sensor data 34.17
hmd >> poll_sensor
hmd << Recv sensor data 54.62
alt >> poll_sensor
alt << Recv sensor data 132.05
<< OK[0x0d][0x0a]RX=FE DC BA 98 76 54 32 10[0x0d]
net >> Pending response
 - process_downlink_msg: FEDCBA9876543210
tmp >> poll_sensor
tmp << Recv sensor data 34.16
hmd >> poll_sensor
hmd << Recv sensor data 54.65
alt >> poll_sensor
alt << Recv sensor data 132.29
tmp >> poll_sensor
tmp << Recv sensor data 34.16
hmd >> poll_sensor
hmd << Recv sensor data 54.62
alt >> poll_sensor
alt << Recv sensor data 132.40
tmp >> poll_sensor
tmp << Recv sensor data 34.16
hmd >> poll_sensor
hmd << Recv sensor data 54.62
alt >> poll_sensor
alt << Recv sensor data 133.58
tmp >> poll_sensor
tmp << Recv sensor data 34.17
hmd >> poll_sensor
hmd << Recv sensor data 54.62
alt >> poll_sensor
alt << Recv sensor data 133.23
tmp >> poll_sensor
tmp << Recv sensor data 34.17
agg >> Send 0001034105461332
net >> Wait for net
net >> Got net
>> AT$GI?[0x0d]
<< 1,5[0x0d]
>> AT[0x0d]
<< OK[0x0d]
net >> Release net
>> AT$SF=0001034105461332,1[0x0d]
hmd >> poll_sensor
hmd << Recv sensor data 54.62
alt >> poll_sensor
alt << Recv sensor data 132.05
tmp >> poll_sensor
tmp << Recv sensor data 34.17
hmd >> poll_sensor
hmd << Recv sensor data 54.64
alt >> poll_sensor
alt << Recv sensor data 133.95
tmp >> poll_sensor
tmp << Recv sensor data 34.17
hmd >> poll_sensor
hmd << Recv sensor data 54.63
alt >> poll_sensor
alt << Recv sensor data 133.46
tmp >> poll_sensor
tmp << Recv sensor data 34.17
hmd >> poll_sensor
hmd << Recv sensor data 54.63
alt >> poll_sensor
alt << Recv sensor data 133.23
tmp >> poll_sensor
tmp << Recv sensor data 34.17
hmd >> poll_sensor
hmd << Recv sensor data 54.65
alt >> poll_sensor
alt << Recv sensor data 132.88
tmp >> poll_sensor
tmp << Recv sensor data 34.16
hmd >> poll_sensor
hmd << Recv sensor data 54.64
alt >> poll_sensor
alt << Recv sensor data 133.95
tmp >> poll_sensor
tmp << Recv sensor data 34.15
hmd >> poll_sensor
hmd << Recv sensor data 54.63
alt >> poll_sensor
alt << Recv sensor data 133.71
tmp >> poll_sensor
tmp << Recv sensor data 34.16
hmd >> poll_sensor
hmd << Recv sensor data 54.65
alt >> poll_sensor
alt << Recv sensor data 134.54
tmp >> poll_sensor
tmp << Recv sensor data 34.17
hmd >> poll_sensor
hmd << Recv sensor data 54.68
alt >> poll_sensor
alt << Recv sensor data 133.12
tmp >> poll_sensor
tmp << Recv sensor data 34.16
hmd >> poll_sensor
hmd << Recv sensor data 54.66
alt >> poll_sensor
alt << Recv sensor data 132.53
tmp >> poll_sensor
tmp << Recv sensor data 34.17
hmd >> poll_sensor
hmd << Recv sensor data 54.67
alt >> poll_sensor
alt << Recv sensor data 134.88
tmp >> poll_sensor
tmp << Recv sensor data 34.16
hmd >> poll_sensor
hmd << Recv sensor data 54.66
alt >> poll_sensor
alt << Recv sensor data 133.46
tmp >> poll_sensor
tmp << Recv sensor data 34.16
<< (Timeout)
***** uart.sendData: Error: Unknown response: ERR_SFX_ERR_SEND_FRAME_WAIT_TIMEOUT

net >> Pending response
***** Error: network_task Failed, response: ERR_SFX_ERR_SEND_FRAME_WAIT_TIMEOUT
 - process_downlink_msg (Failed): ERR_SFX_ERR_SEND_FRAME_WAIT_TIMEOUT
hmd >> poll_sensor
hmd << Recv sensor data 54.64
alt >> poll_sensor
alt << Recv sensor data 133.82
tmp >> poll_sensor
tmp << Recv sensor data 34.18
hmd >> poll_sensor
hmd << Recv sensor data 54.63
alt >> poll_sensor
alt << Recv sensor data 133.34


IoT program for Arduino Uno / STM32 Blue Pill (libopencm3) that reads BME280 temperature + humidity + altitude sensors, via I2C or SPI with DMA and multitasking. Sends sensor data to Sigfox via Wisol Sigfox module on UART. Runs on cocoOS task scheduling library








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