- Raspberry_pi3b+
- NXP_smartcar game model
- Computer
- opencv3.4
- Numpy
- PiSerial
- Pygame
Raspberry Pi:
- Picamera
- Piserual
- K60
- Run pi_stream.py in raspberr_pi firstly.
- Run computer_training_date_collect.py in the computer and use joy to control model_car to collet training_date.The date will be saved in a .npz file
- Run computer_mlp_training.py in the computer.The network_model will be saved in a .xlm file.
- Run computer_mydriver.py in the computer.The model_car should be run automatically
Here I only provide the core program on the car model, different people will use different objects to control.
Here we need to operate according to your actual situation.
You should download the code into car in advance and make sure your car can be controled by computer's command well
I set up communications between car and computer by using HC05 Bluetooth.
If your objects is similer to my model_car,and need all my code.you can download another repository NXP-K60.
Copy all the code files in the app folder here to the corresponding NXP-K60's directory