Analysis pipeline for Joaquinas work with the tobias analysis tool
The pipeline runs the different steps of the TOBIAS footprinting tool. For detailed descriptions of each step visit their wiki.
Given a design file, a motif file and mapped files (bam format) it will run TOBIAS' ATACorrect, ScoreBigwig, BINDetect of all against all conditions and it will generate PlotAggregate metaplots of corrected insertions for each motif in the file.
The release is set to the latest version, to run the development version of the pipeline, change to -r dev
The pipeline can be run as in the following example:
export NXF_WORK="/path/to/work"
export NXF_SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR="/path/to/sing"
ml purge
ml Nextflow/21.04.0
ml Singularity/3.4.2
ml Graphviz
nextflow pull luslab/briscoe-nf-tobias
nextflow run luslab/briscoe-nf-tobias \
-r master \
-profile crick_tobias \
--genome genome.fa \
--regions regions.bed \
--peaks regions.bed \
--blacklist blacklist.bed \
--motifs motifs \
--design design.csv \
--skip_bam_index true
Path to genome in fasta format used in ATACorrect and BINDetect.
Path to BED file with the open chromatin regions for these experiment. Used for ATACorrect.
Can be the same BED file as --regions
or a different BED file of regions of interest. Used for BINDetect.
Path to Blacklisted regions in BED format. Used for ATACorrect
Path to Motif file in JASPAR or MEME format.
Csv file with paths and condition grouping with the following header:
correspond to the sample namedata1
corresponds to the path to the .bamdata2
corresponds to the path to the .bam.bai, if available
This should be true
if you are providing paths to your .bam.bai
Provide this parameter as a bed file. From the manual:
--output-peaks <bed> Gives the possibility to set the output peak set
differently than the input --peaks. This will limit all
analysis to the regions in --output-peaks. NOTE:
--peaks must still be set to the full peak set!