It's a project that you send a bill with due date, pay date and the original value and it will save and return with the correct fine and interest.
The project is made using .Net Core 3.1 and PostgreSQL.
You can run using:
docker-compose up
It will build the project and publish to port 8080. To acess, just go to your browser and run http://localhost:8080/swagger
First, you need to have .Net Core 3.1 intalled and PostgreSQL.
After installed PostgreSQL go to appsettings.json and change the ConnectionString to use your server (to localhost), user, password, database and port (default port is 5432) from your Postgres instance.
Now you need to compile the following script inside your postgres database. RUN THIS SCRIPT.
Now, enter ./BillsToPay and run:
dotnet run
It will build to the default .Net Core port.