The goal is to build a deep learning model that is capable of identifying whether two recordings belong to the same person or not. More specifically, given a set of recordings, the model determines which of the recordings are most closely related to each other, and so creating a measure of how likely two recordings belong to the same person.
The trainings data set consists of short audio fragments of different people reading aloud. Each sequence in the data set contains only one person’s voice and lasts a second. There are several recordings for each person. Everyone's voice has specific characteristics displayed in, for example, pitch timbre or tone, which allow for computerized voice recognition.
I construct the training data in the following way: (1) for each of the 9,600 observations, I append the feature array of the 16 observations of that person to the reference features. These are the positive examples, that are labeled with one. (2) I also match the observation to audio fragments of 32 random persons and label those with zero. The resulting training data has 9,600 × (16+32) = 460,800 observations with 562 features each.
I use the Python package LibROSA [1] to extract features the following features from the frequency waves:
- Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs)
- Mel-scaled spectrogram
- Chromagram of the spectrogram
- Spectral contrast
- Tonal centroid features (i.e. Tonnetz)
The following parameter values were used:
- Sampling rate: 11,025
- Fast Fourier Transform: 1,024
- Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients: 128
- Hop length: 512
- Frequency cutoff: 16
The trained model is a multilayer perceptron that includes 6 dense layers with LeakyReLu [2] activation and one output layer with Softmax activation. For regularization, I include batch normalization and dropout. Further, I use early stopping to prevent over-fitting. I train the model for 50 epochs with batch sizes of 64. To proxy the distance between I use the first column of the output array (i.e. the probability that the two audio samples are from different persons).
The model achieves a validation accuracy of 99.07%.
Brian McFee, Colin Raffel, Dawen Liang, Daniel PW Ellis, Matt McVicar, Eric Battenberg, and Oriol Nieto. librosa: Audio and music signal analysis in python. In Proceedings of the 14th python in science conference, volume 8, pages 18–25. Citeseer, 2015
Xiaohu Zhang, Yuexian Zou, and Wei Shi. Dilated convolution neural network with leakyrelu for environmental sound classification. In 2017 22nd International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP), pages 1–5. IEEE, 2017.