NavRail Release
NavRail Release
Release name formed from the most noticeable change, the navigation drawer -> navigation rail.
- Added whiteboard
- Contacts
- vcf-export initial testing.
- Updated tag list UI
- Major UI overhaul
- Many UI improvements adhering to Material Design guidelines
- Theme colors reflects Material Design color guidelines
- Main navigation drawer mimics navigation rail
- Compaction now blocks user interaction
- Tasks
- Task metrics redesigned to Material Design standards
- Lists tasks done today in overview
- Project picker is now fullscreen on small screens
- Project view redesign
- Welcome/Splash screen closer to Material Design
- More effective project list
Behind the scenes
- Upgraded Vuetify -> 2.3.3
- Enabled stricter linting rules
- moved deleteDocument(Vuex) functionality to pouchdbmixin
- "Depugified" several Vue SFC
- Deleting docs now marks document _deleted instead of using db.remove()
- Vuetify theme minification and CSS caching enabled
Bug fixes
- Route to dashboard if no previous route
- Pagination footer below data iterator did not appear when > 10 items in array
- Remote DB info now works with CouchDB 3.x
- Sync-button respects not saving credentials