This package allows the developer to interact easily with the YouCan Pay API. (this package is in early development)
This package allows the developer to interact easily with the YouCan Pay API.
This documentation is separated in two integrations: Default Integration and the Standalone Integration. you have the choice to do one integration or both integrations in your checkout page.
Instructions for adding the YouCan Pay SDK to your NodeJS Applications.
yarn add youcan-payment-nodejs-sdk
const youCanPayment = new YouCanPay(
'pri_sandbox_72c4f469-afeb-4eed-b840-9c0c9', // you can private key
true // is sandbox mode
const token = await youCanPayment.getToken({
amount: 2000, //required
currency: CurrencyCode.MAD, //required
customer_ip: '', //required
order_id: 'XXXXXX', //required
success_url: '', //required
error_url: '', //optional
customer: {
name: '',
address: '',
zip_code: '',
city: '',
state: '',
country_code: '',
phone: '',
email: '',
}, //optional
console.log(; // 71d8c27-2416-41ee-b750-d6382f72a565
const youCanPayment = new YouCanPay(
const paymentUrl = await youCanPayment.getPaymentUrl(
amount: 2000,
currency: CurrencyCode.MAD,
customer_ip: '',
order_id: 'XXXXXX',
success_url: '',
error_url: '',
console.log(paymentUrl); //