The Learning Management System (LMS) is a comprehensive software application designed to centralize and manage information about students within an educational institution. This repository contains the source code and documentation for the LMS project.
Student Registration Subsystem:
- Implement a user-friendly interface for student enrollment.
- Ensure data accuracy and validation during registration.
- Develop a system to generate and manage unique student IDs.
Course Management Subsystem:
- Handles the creation, modification, and deletion of courses.
- Manages course information such as course code, name, dates, category, abstract, and bibliography.
User Management Subsystem:
- Manages information related to users, including students and teachers.
- Handles user registration and stores details such as names, email addresses, date of birth, and phone numbers.
Enrollment Management Subsystem:
- Manages the enrollment of students in courses.
- Tracks enrollment dates and provides the ability to cancel enrollments with reasons.
Class Management Subsystem:
- Manages classes within a course.
- Tracks class details such as class number, date, time, and title.
Attendance Management Subsystem:
- Handles the recording of student attendance in classes.
- Captures arrival and departure times for each student in a class.
Exam Management Subsystem:
- Manages exams within a course.
- Tracks exam details such as date, time, topics covered, and student scores.
Teacher Management Subsystem:
- Manages information related to teachers.
- Handles teacher registration and associates teachers with one or more courses.
Semester Management Subsystem:
- Manages information related to academic semesters.
- Tracks semester details such as semester ID, description, start date, end date, GPA, current GPA, vacation dates, etc.
Test Score Management Subsystem:
- Manages the recording of student scores for tests.
- Associates test scores with specific exams, courses, semesters, and students.
Program Management Subsystem:
- Manages academic programs.
- Tracks program details such as program ID, name, description, and associated fields.
Field Management Subsystem:
- Manages academic fields of study.
- Tracks field details such as field ID, name, and description.
Thanks to the following individuals who have contributed to this project:
Omar Sameh
| TeamMember
Mohamed Essam
| TeamLeader
Malak Khaled
| TeamMember
Advisor: FerventFrost.
We welcome contributions from the community!