Minimal & natural html templating engine.
There is no need for an intermediate step of transpiling a project, as its the case with the more fully fleshed frameworks like angular/react etc.
Your html file is your template and your final product: it is processed and updated in place & live!
The following directives (html attributes) can be used for templating:
- tpl-if
- tpl-for
- tpl-model
You can use double-curly braces anywhere in the container!
Html tag attributes can be templated with square brackets!
Add the following <script> tag inside <head>:
<script src=""></script>
Setup a central data object:
let data = {
'bool': false,
'str': 'Hello There',
'textStr': 'text',
'obj': {
name: 'test',
arr: [1, 2, 3],
nestedArr: [
[1, 2, 3],
[3, 6, 9],
Write your template!
Make the template container invisible, so that the customer does not see the unprocessed template.
Pass the invisibility class name to the initTemplate() function.
If it receives a class name, it will remove the class, once the first render is complete!
<div id="app" class="invis">
<input [type]="textStr" tpl-model="str">
<p>text rendering: {{str}}</p>
<button onclick="toggleBools()">toggle bools</button>
<p>conditional rendering: <span tpl-if="bool">i am invisible</span></p>
<p>conditional rendering: <span tpl-if="!bool">i am visible</span></p>
<p>simple loop with following array: {{obj.arr}}</p>
<li tpl-for="obj.arr; x">
<p>nested loop with following array: {{obj.nestedArr}}</p>
<li tpl-for="obj.nestedArr; x">
<li tpl-for="x; y">
Initialize the template context as follows, providing your template container selector and your data:
const tplCtx = initTemplate('#app', data, 'invis');
Once your are finished mutating your data, rerender as follows:
function toggleBools() {
data.bool = !data.bool;
In the tpl-for directive, when the array reference itself is referencing an array,
the index must either be a number or a parent loop variable reference!
Using the given data...
let data = {
arr1: [0, 1],
arr2: [
[11, 22, 33],
[77, 88, 99],
obj: {
someIdx: 1,
... valid examples:
// example 1: arr2[0] is using number, 0, as index
<div tpl-for="arr1; i">
<div tpl-for="arr2[0]; j"
// example 2: arr2[i] is using loop variable of parent, i, as index
<div tpl-for="arr1; i">
<div tpl-for="arr2[i]; j"
... invalid example:
// [obj.someIndex] will not be resolved!
<div tpl-for="arr1[obj.someIndex]; i">