All notable changes to the Branch Titanium SDK will be documented here.
- Android: Updated SDK to v2.4.0
- iOS: Updated SDK to v0.12.9
- Android: Updated SDK to v2.2.0
- iOS: Updated SDK to v0.12.6
- iOS: Fixed share sheet crash for iPad.
- Removed depcrecated method
- Updated Andorid & iOS SDKs
- iOS: Fixed share sheet crash issue wherein fireEvent causes uncaught exception
- Added callback parameter for
- iOS: fixed generate url network error by implementing deferred promise
- Updated
useage & parameters
- iOS: fixed share sheet crash issue
- iOS: implemented listener for
- Android: fixed share sheet
java.lang.Object[] cannot be cast to java.util.ArrayList
- Android: fixed share sheet crashing on multiple instances
- Upgraded iOS Branch SDK source to 0.12.2
- getCredits: gets credits from default bucket
- getCreditsForBucket(): gets credits from a specific bucket