This is a MITK extension that provides utilities and plugins for image-based registration using the Elastix registration framework. The plugin is designed to be interactive and user-friendly, and it can be used for a variety of medical and biological imaging tasks.
The mitk-elastix registration extension provides the following features:
- Interactive user interface for selecting and registering images
- Support for a wide range of image file formats
- Customizable registration parameters
- Integration with the MITK Segmentation and Image Fusion plugins
The mitk-elastix registration extension can be installed by following these steps:
- Clone the latest version of MITK from the official website
- Clone this repository to your local machine
- Build the extension using the MITK build system, by adding the path of the local mitk-elastix repo. to the MITK_EXTENSION_DIRS CMake variable.
To use the mitk-elastix registration extension, follow these steps:
- Open MITK and load the images that you want to register
- Open the extension "Elastix Registration" using the view navigator
- Select the images that you want to register
- Choose the appropriate registration parameters, or use the default settings
- Click the "Register" button to start the registration process
- Wait for the registration to complete and review the results in the viewer
Contributions to the mitk-elastix registration extension are welcome and encouraged. If you would like to contribute, please fork this repository and submit a pull request with your changes.
See the LICENSE file for more details.