currently Linux only!
users need to use their system-user (aspera transfer user) to authenticate! if authentication is set to external_auth, NodeAPI does not translate the username that was sent to NodeAPI before calling this external_auth provider.
If the external_auth fails, NodeAPI itself retries the given user & password with the default asnodeadmin -au node_user -p node_password -x system_user
Flow is:
User (HTTP Basic) -> NodeAPI -> external_auth service -> Authentication OK ?
Yes -> NodeAPI returns authenticated - with the HTTP Basic Username as transfer User
No -> authentication request falls back to standard NodeAPI auth -> NodeAPI (asnodeadmin -u) auth OK?
No -> NodeAPI returns authentication error
Yes -> NodeAPI returns authenticated - with the HTTP Basic Username translated to the transfer User (asnodeadmin -l)
set section (no asconfigurator possibility):
restart Aspera NodeAPI service: systemctl restart asperanoded
start node sever.js
this has simple pam authentication
and listen on the above port to authenticate users to linux system auth.
- npm module
- windows
- start as service
- ...