suwo is intended streamline searching/downloading of nature media files (e.g. audios, photos) from online repositories.
suwo offers functions for critical steps in the acquisition of data necessary to develop methods that require a large amount of data.
The main features of the package are:
- Obtaining media metadata from online repositories
- Downloading associated media files
- Updating data sets with new records
THE PACKAGE IS ON AN EARLY DEVELOPMENTAL STAGE. We are currently searching for new online repositories to be included in the package. Please open a new issue if you want to suggest a new repository.
Online repositories currently supported:
- INaturalist
- Wikiaves
- Macaulay Library
- Xenocanto
Install/load the package from CRAN as follows:
# From CRAN would be
# install.packages("suwo")
# load package
To install the latest developmental version from github you will need the R package remotes:
#load package
Please cite suwo as follows:
Araya-Salas, M., & Elizondo-Calvo, J. 2023. suwo: access nature media repositories through R. R package version 0.1.0.