This buildout configuration provides a mirror for the PyPI simple interface, using z3c.pypimirror module.
For the installation is recommended that you install certain dependencies on the operating system as shown below:
# aptitude install build-essential python-dev python-setuptools python-pip mercurial
Just execute the following commands:
$ virtualenv .
$ source ./bin/activate
$ python
$ ./bin/buildout -vvvN
$ deactivate
The first time you should be initialize your mirror, executing the following commands:
$ ./bin/pypimirror --initial-fetch --follow-external-links --follow-external-index-pages --log-console ./pypimirror.cfg
Later a crontab task does synchronization packages, you can see the crontab task defined, with the follow command:
$ crontab -l
GPL 2 version (GPL 2)
pypimirror.buildout the first configuration of these scripts took place at the Cenditel fundation since 2010 and involved the following persons:
- Dhionel Diaz <ddiaz AT cenditel DOT>
- Leonardo J. Caballero G. <leonardocaballero AT gmail DOT com>