Complete, simple and cool convolutional neural network framework, built from scratch, parallel able with OpenMP and almost dependency free. Supports custom architectures.
This project aims to be a dependency free implementation, in C, of a accessible deep learning framework.
Current features, activations, optimizer and layers:
- Convolutional layer
- MaxPool layer
- Fully Connected layer
- Batch normalization
- ReLU activation
- Mini-batch stochastic gradient descent
To do:
- Attention layer
- Deconvolutional layer
- Dropout
- Leaky ReLU activation
- Adam optimizer
It uses LodePNG ( for png to float arrays conversion.
External data is supported, following the csv format:
87.17098,84.20363,81.519516, ... ,79.42487,77.518654,76.04577,74.97219,74.087395,73.2
72.778564,71.41166,69.91917, ... ,68.847664,67.7942,67.16,66.50335,65.87927,65.37431
-0.33487654,-0.2857717,-0.38590893, ... ,-0.4879623,-0.56448114,-0.4101708,-0.3997688,0
-0.8728179,-0.9562261,-1.0026246, ... ,-1.0423806,-1.0312552,-1.0120616,-0.9987559,1
2.4470487,2.5051897,2.665211, ... ,2.7244022,2.8196306,2.8667905,2.9545586,2.404601,0
number_of_samples,features_size,number_of_labels,[labels separated by comma]
Save the file as data.csv, in working directory
You may need to specify the header of cblas_sgemm function in matrix.h
After that, just clone the repository and run make in the cloned folder
params.ini Define the cnn architecture:
conv 1 32 1 5 2 64 64
batch_norm 32 4096
activate relu
max_pool 2 2 32 0 64 64
conv 32 32 1 3 1 32 32
batch_norm 32 1024
activate relu
max_pool 2 2 32 0 32 32
conv 32 32 1 3 1 16 16
batch_norm 32 256
activate relu
max_pool 2 2 32 0 16 16
fc 2048 512
batch_norm 512 1
activate relu
fc 512 2
[total number of layers]
[type(conv)] [input depth number_of_filters stride filter_size padding input_width input_height]
[type(max_pool)] [stride filter_size, depth, padding, input_width, input_height]
[type(fc)] [input_dim layer_size]
[type(batch_norm)] [channels spatial]
[type(activation)] [type]
Start fitting the data:
./cnn_c new [validation_set_split] [learning_rate] [l2_reg_lambda] [batch_size] [epochs]
Continue fitting :
./cnn_c continue [validation_set_split] [learning_rate] [l2_reg_lambda] [batch_size] [epochs]
Test sample:
./cnn_c test [sample_path]