Work in progress...
This is a Chrome extension to improve Oracle ATG Dynamo usability. For now it can do:
- Buttons to pre-create XML print-item, query-items and remove-item in item-descriptor list
- Print-item XML syntax highlight
- Automatic scroll to XML after request
- Sort item descriptors
- Create a print item when XML item-descriptor name is clicked (you should change the item-descriptor sometimes)
- Sort Time Performance Data items at Performance Monitor page (author eduardofbs)
ATG versions tested:
- 10.0.3
- 10.2
- 11.1 All version between these, should work too.
You can download this repository and add it to Chrome going to extensions, activating 'Developer Mode' and using 'Load Unpacked Extension'. Or download it from Chrome Web Store, look at the banner on top.
Thanks to Tomáš Brejla, some code came from his repository:
Small icons from: