A WordPress plugin and developer's toolkit for creating, adding custom sidebars to the block (Gutenberg) editor.
- Instructions
- Enqueue 'WP Sides' sidebar JS files
- Sidebar JS file
- Retrieve the sidebar meta data
- Available Controls
- Available Icons
- Download and install the plugin
- Activate the plugin
- Enqueue a valid 'WP Sides' sidebar JS file
Enqueue the sidebar files into the block editor. You can use this example code below in your theme's functions.php file:
add_action( 'enqueue_block_editor_assets', function(){
Note: In the example above, change the location to where your sidebar JS file is located.
To see how the controls work and to implement them, please look at the sample file. It contains all the available controls and how to have several groups of controls in a single sidebar.
Some knowledge in React and development experience with the block editor would be beneficial.
A link to the sample sidebar file
The plugin includes a method to retrieve the meta data of the sidebars to use in your themes. It returns an array of the meta data.
- $metaKey: The meta key of the sidebar meta field is required.
- $postID: The post ID is required. Pass the post ID of the page/post you want to fetch the meta field data from.
$meta = \WPSides\meta($metaKey, $postID);
- Colour Select
- Checkbox
- Date field
- Font size
- Media
- Radio buttons
- Range
- Select field
- Text input
- URL text input
- Textarea field
- Time
- Toggle button
You can assign different icons to the sidebars. Here's some that are included with the plugin.
To use: wpSides.icons.icon_slug_here
- Slider: slider
- Pen icon in a circle: edit_circle
- 'I' icon in a circle: info_circle
- Lightning bolt: lightning
- Sliders: sliders
- Smiley face: smiley
- Star: star
- Star in a circle: star_circle
- Toggles: toggles