Tools for putting CADNA in MG C++ code and mesuring the accuracy of results. Also some graphs.
There are 2 main scripts to run from within process directory (/SubProcess/P*/):
- (exact_momenta) (CPPProcess) (random_seed/original_seed)
- float/double/mixed (O3/gdb) (fortran) arguments:
- exact_momenta -> assumes Rambo momenta have maximum precision
- CPPProcess -> prints out digits of precision of funtions in CPPProcess. Required for
- random/original_seed -> changes the seed of RAMBO to random or reverts to original. Setting to random only changes the start seed - if you compile and run the program twice the output will be the same. arguments:
- float/double/mixed -> changes the precision. Mixed means colour algebra in float and rest in double.
- O3/gdb -> 'O3' runs with -O3 and runs ./check.exe 10000 8 1 for histogram perpouses. 'gdb' runs with -O0 and runs debugger on ./check.exe 1 8 1 - creates gdb_stats_*.out file
- fortran -> run from .mad folder. Runs ./madevent instead of ./check.exe. input to madevent is in file 'input_app.txt' in repo. Currently works only for making histograms - 'O3 fortran'
run_stats_*.out file:
- gives the exact line number of where the instability happens.
- shows what operator caused the problem and how many times is was invoked.
- after displaying in terminal of vs code (less gdb_stats_*.out) ctrl + click on filename:line goes to the exact location of instability.
To generate gdb_stats_*.out run:
- gdb -args check.exe<>gdb_run_output_*.out 1 8 1
- gdb_run_output_*.out
- less gdb_stats_*.out ;#(in vs code)
You can exchange check.exe 1 8 1 with any Cadnized code.