git clone
cd react-kis-rails
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rails s
Checkout localhost:3000. Read commits.
Everything (except Backbone.Events) is a component even Router.
There is only one state of particular data. Therefore there is no need to synchronize data over the application. You can find component proper for state by LCE.
There is no models or collections but pure data in
. -
Directories tree reflects virtual DOM structure of the app. Keep reusable components (e.g. UI components) outside this tree in
directory. -
Always emit event when action occurs and let it be handled by state component. Distinguish action handlers for local ones and ones talking with API.
Each state component talking with API has it's own API endpoints. Lets call such component an ASC - Api State Component.
Don't do REST. We don't have models and collections. Distinguish reading from writing actions and keep it in sepparate flows.
Life cycle of ASC:
- after mounting component get state from API
- if action occurs
- remember old state
- set expected result to state basing on passed params
- post action with params and callback state url to the API
- [API] set new state basing on action and params
- [API] redirect to callback state url and return current state of ASC
- if action fails
- bring back old state
- Don't map routings manually. Ask proper serializers or actions basing on get/post and url.
- Each ASC has it's own Serializer and Actions class.
Item triggers delete_task on button click.
@Item = React.createClass
render: ->
_onClick: (e) ->
Dispatcher.trigger 'delete_task', id:
Essential part of ASC:
@Todos = React.createClass
mixins: [ActionsHandler]
url: 'api/todos'
# handle delete_task action here:
delete_task: (params) ->
@todos.splice _.findIndex(@todos, id:, 1
getInitialState: ->
todos: []
componentDidMount: ->
$.get @url, (result) => @setState(result)
render: ->
<MainSection todos={@state.todos} /> # Item component is somewhere below MainSection
Handle action on the backend:
class TodosAction < ApplicationAction
def delete_task
Task.find_by(id: params[:id]).delete