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Watchdog is VERY fast!

Watchdog bans are processed faster than BattleMetrics RCON console!

If player is banned/kicked for something in chat, it won't appear in BattleMetrics!

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The most advanced content filter in SquadJS. For any issues, see issue tracker.

Watchdog is a plugin designed to filter any and all unwanted content a player might enter in chat, squad name, or username. Currently there are two different editions.


  • Requires setting up a Discord bot.

To avoid running into issues, the Watchdog-base-plugin.js must be excluded from loading as a plugin. This requires modifying the default plugin loader, /squad-server/plugins/index.js.

Recommended Method:

  • Replace your /squad-server/plugins/index.js with the one found in this repo.
    • This uses a different plugin loading method.

Alternative Method:

  • From this repo, copy /squad-server/plugins/index.js.disabled to your /squad-server/plugins.
  • Remove the old index.js file.
  • Rename index.js.disabled to index.js.

Manual Method:

  • Add Watchdog-base-plugin.js to line: 31 in /squad-server/plugins/index.js.


Anything with ? at the end means it is optional and can be removed from the config.

This is the base plugin known as "watchdog", it comes with a ton of utility functions and is made to be extended upon!


  • discordClient - Discord client
  • action - Auto mod feature and global action trigger.
    • If none, watchdog will only log detected content in discord.
    • If ban, watchdog will log detected content in discord then take this action on the player.
    • If kick, watchdog will log detected content in discord then take this action on the player.
    • Default is none.
  • channelID? - Works the exact same way as default method.
  • channelIDs? - An array of channelIDs, this allows you to connect to multiple discord channels under the same plugin!
    • If you don't care to use this feature, input a channelID how you normally would.
  • playerNames - Define acceptable player names.
    • action - Same as global action option listed above.
    • alphabet - Alphabet of the language you wish for players to have in there names, basic english characters are the default.
    • extends - Extend alphabet system listed above, good if you wish to keep default and extend upon it.
    • minimum - The minimum requirements for a player name to have, default is 0 which means a player name must include any characters from alphabet or extends otherwise the playerNames:action is triggered.
      • Example: If set to 3 and a player with the name AB joins, the playerNames:action is triggered.
  • embedFormat? - Format player info in embed messages.
  • profanity? - An array of words you wish not for players to use in chat, player name, or squad name, if found triggers global action.
  • lineBreaks? - Specify "spaces", used in this.getData().clean
    • Not recommended changing from defaults
  • ignorePoints? - Specify ignore characters, used in this.getData().clean and this.getData().data
    • Not recommended changing from defaults

Base config.json:

  "plugins": [
      "plugin": "WatchdogBase",
      "enabled": true,
      "discordClient": "discord",
      "action": "none",
      "channelIDs": [],
      "embedFormat": {
        "player": "[[{{name}}]([search]={{eosID}}&method=quick&redirect=1 'Go to BattleMetrics')] - [[{{steamID}}]({{steamID}} 'Go to Steam Profile')]",
        "squad": "{{squadID}} : {{squadName}}",
        "team": "{{teamID}} : {{teamName}}"
      "playerNames": {
        "action": "none",
        "alphabet": "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890",
        "extends": "",
        "minimum": 0
      "profanity": []

Cerberus edition

Anything with ? at the end means it is optional and can be removed from the config.

The name Cerberus comes from Greek mythology. Cerberus is a multi-headed dog that guards the gates of the Underworld to prevent the dead from leaving.


Extended upon Watchdog Options

Default config.json:

  "plugins": [
      "plugin": "Cerberus",
      "enabled": true,
      "discordClient": "discord",
      "action": "none",
      "channelIDs": [],
      "playerNames": {
        "action": "none",
        "alphabet": "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890",
        "extends": "",
        "minimum": 0
      "profanity": []

Molly edition

Anything with ? at the end means it is optional and can be removed from the config.

The name Molly refers to our family dog, she is a english bulldog who has lived for 14 years! Due to her age she has sadly developed a fatal heart condition.



Extended upon Watchdog Options

  • bmClient - BattleMetrics connector name.
  • Ban? - BattleMetrics ban info.

Default config.json:

  "plugins": [
      "plugin": "Molly",
      "enabled": true,
      "bmClient": "BattleMetrics",
      "action": "none",
      "Ban": {
        "note": "Banned by Watchdog Molly",
        "reason": "{{reason}} | {{timeLeft}}"
      "channelIDs": [],
      "playerNames": {
        "action": "none",
        "alphabet": "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890",
        "extends": "",
        "minimum": 0
      "profanity": []


The most advanced content filter in SquadJS





