All noteable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Generated a new component for Ripple
- Genrated a new component for Bitcoin
- Added component in app.module.ts
- Added routing feature for the web-app.
- Proper code formatting.
- Generated a new component for Ethereum
- Added component in app.module.ts
- Added Ethereum routes to web-app.
- Added Remitano live price for Bitcoin
- Added Remitano live price for Ripple
- Added EthexIndia live price for Ethereum
- Added Current Price Aggreate ( in both INR and USD ) for all three cryptocurrency.
- Merged Live-Price branch with master.
- Koniex live price api for Ethereum was removed and replaced with Remitano
- Added Signup, Login and Dashboard Component.
- Added Firebase, and AngularFire2 modules to the project.
- Made a temporary Welcome page in the Home Component with a small introduction and options to login or signup.
- Moved the inital routes for Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Ripple from Home component to Dashboard component
- Added Email and Password Authentication for both logging in and signing up for an account.
- Added logout feature from the Dashboard
- Added default user image for Email-Password auth
- Added Google OAuth for login and signup.
- Added Facebook OAuth for login and signup.
- Added Github OAuth for login and signup.
- Added Twitter OAuth for login and signup.
- Added an unsubscribeToTimer method to prevent API calls while switching between cryptocurrencies and after logging out.
- [routerLink] has been replaced with a click event to navigate to differnet cryptocurrencies.
- Merged OAuth-Google branch with Authentications.
- Merged OAuth-Facebook branch with Authentications.
- Merged OAuth-Github branch with Authentications.
- Merged OAuth-Twitter branch with Authenticatios.
- Added Privacy Policy
- Added Auth Guards to all routers to prevent unauthorized access to the service.
- Assigned a fetchingPrices boolean variable to each cryptocurrency to check if the prices are being fetched.
- Added name and photoURL inside the bitcoin, ethereum, and ripple component. The values for name and photoURL are fetched using the AuthService.
- Customised footer with copyright
- Removed bootstrap navbar
- Added two buttons on footer
- Added bootstrap4 card background
- Made bs4 grids for responsive layout
- Added jubotron, with background
- Added material card background on user login/signup request frame
- Made bs4 grids for responsive layout
- Added bootstrap4 card background
- Added material card background
- Added material form design for email and password input
- Customised social buttons
- Made some grid fixes
- Added navbar
- Implemented input error display change
- Added material card background
- Added material form design for email, name and password input
- Customised social buttons
- Made some grid fixes
- Added navbar
- Implemented input error display change
- Added bs4 card
- Added bs4 grids for responsive layout
- Added angular material card frame
- Added material buttons
- Replaced signin button on the navbar with logout button
- Added material card background
- Added buttons with material design
- Added bs4 tables to represent market prices
- Made bs4 tables responsive to refresh with live prices
- Added bs card background
- Added material card design
- Added bs card background
- Added material card design
- Improved UI design and flow.
- Imporved Price Analytics status.
- Merged v1.0.0 with master