react-router-dom to serve the principle of Single Page Application.
react-redux and redux toolkit to handle state management globally.
axios to deal with API for Authentication, fetching, adding, editing and deleting Posts.
bootstrap and react-bootstrap to serve the principle of responsiveness.
formik and yup to handle validation of inputs with rules of length, number or letter , non-empty fields by using regular expression.
framer-motion to make beautiful Transitions between pages.
i18next, i18next-browser-languagedetector, i18next-http-backend, react-i18next and i18next-http-backend to make website multilingual.
mdb-ui-kit for flags that appears when dealing with languages.
sweetalert to display beautiful alerts for warning when deleting post or when there is a problem in authentication.
react-toastify to display amazing toasts when signing up , logging in , adding post, editing post.
react-select to display awesome select for Posts type.
gh-pages to activate the hosting of github.
- In addition to the Website can be in both modes Dark and Light.
- Website uses Loader that appears when navigation between pages.
- There is a page for every post that display its title, description, image, type and date posted in day, date, hour, minute, second.
- there is an error page that display the error as you can not go to post/ch it must be number.
- there is a component called loading.jsx that can display loading message and error if exists, if children is button it clone it and change to loading and make it disabled.
- Website uses axios instance to shorten The code.
- Website uses used withGuard that acecpt component to apply the principle of higher order component (HOC) to use the principle of protected routes.
- Images as icons of .svg extension from react-feather library.
- Website uses React.lazy to load components lazily, to make the component will be loaded only when it's actually needed, which help improving the initial loading time and performance .
- Website uses convention to make CSS styles are scoped to a specific component and prevent other component of being styled by.
- Website uses used some ECMAScript principles in different places such as ternary operator and AND operator (&&) to handle true condition only. -Website was keen on being optimized and there is no many re-renders thought useCallback.
- Website uses Prefixes in CSS to handle browser-specific CSS properties and features that are still in development or are not fully supported by all browsers to ensure that the styles are applied correctly.
- Footer used entity to display copy rights icon and current year in footer is dynamic and is changed every year.
- Website uses navigation buttons to navigate between pages to display posts.
- Website uses select to filter posts with localStorage.
- Website uses Optional Chaining to Increase readability and simplify otherwise long logical conjunctions and complex-looking conditions.
- Website uses the principle of custom hooks to shorten The code and make it more efficient.
- Website was keen on beeing friendly with Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
- Website uses real authentication and validating it from (SignUp , LogIn , ForgetPassword , Reset Password).
- demo of the site Live Preview.
- and here is the link of backend used in This Project Backend-Repo.