Note: The latest API V3.0 ( LTS ) is now maintained at
and the Documentation is available here
This is SendinBlue provided API V2 Symfony Bundle. It implements the various exposed APIs that you can read more about on
This version of the bundle requires Symfony 2.x OR 3.x.
Add SendinBlueApiBundle in your composer.json
"require": {
"sendinblue/sendinblue-api-bundle": "2.0.*"
Now tell composer to download the bundle by running the command:
$ composer update
Simply install by running below command
$ composer require "sendinblue/sendinblue-api-bundle"
Composer will install the bundle to your project's vendor/sendinblue
In the kernel app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new SendinBlue\SendinBlueApiBundle\SendinBlueApiBundle(),
In your app/config/config.yml
api_key: <Your access key>
# Our library supports a timeout value, which is an optional parameter, default is 30,000 MS ( 30 secs )
timeout: 5000
The API is available with the sendinblue_api
To access it, add in your controller (or elsewhere):
$sendinblue = $this->get('sendinblue_api');
$sendinblue = $this->get('sendinblue_api');
$result = $sendinblue->get_account();
// var_dump($result);
$sendinblue = $this->get('sendinblue_api');
$data = array( "to" => array(""=>"to whom!"),
"cc" => array(""=>"cc whom!"),
"bcc" => array(""=>"bcc whom!"),
"replyto" => array("","reply to!"),
"from" => array("","from email!"),
"subject" => "My subject",
"text" => "This is the text",
"html" => "This is the <h1>HTML</h1><br/>
This is inline image 1.<br/>
<img src=\"{myinlineimage1.png}\" alt=\"image1\" border=\"0\"><br/>
Some text<br/>
This is inline image 2.<br/>
<img src=\"{myinlineimage2.jpg}\" alt=\"image2\" border=\"0\"><br/>
Some more text<br/>
Re-used inline image 1.<br/>
<img src=\"{myinlineimage1.png}\" alt=\"image3\" border=\"0\">",
"attachment" => array(),
"headers" => array("Content-Type"=> "text/html; charset=iso-8859-1","X-param1"=> "value1", "X-param2"=> "value2","X-Mailin-custom"=>"my custom value", "X-Mailin-IP"=> "", "X-Mailin-Tag" => "My tag"),
"inline_image" => array("myinlineimage1.png" => "your_png_files_base64_encoded_chunk_data","myinlineimage2.jpg" => "your_jpg_files_base64_encoded_chunk_data")
$result = $sendinblue->send_email($data);
// var_dump($result);
Be sure to visit the SendinBlue official documentation website for additional information about our API.
If you find a bug, please submit the issue in Github directly.
As always, if you need additional assistance, drop us a note here.