In this repository, you can find the Dockerfile I developed to build a stock Node-RED container based on bitnami's minideb distribution.
The main motivation behind this is the fact that the official nodered/node-red image is based on Alpine Linux for minimal footprint. That means the standard Linux C library is musl libc. In order to build some machine learning tools such as OpenCV, glibc is the preferred standard C library.
And as such, I decided to build this image based on bitnami's minimal debian NodeJS image using the official Node-RED build-scripts, with some tweaking.
In order to build this image in your linux machine, run
The image can then be ran using:
source <(head -n3 ./
docker run -it -p 1880:1880 -v node_red_data:/data --name node-red-debian node-red-minideb:${NODE_VERSION}-v${NODE_RED_VERSION}