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How To Plan a Web Project


  • User Stories- Description of the syetm functionality from the users perspective.
  • Features - Get the features from the stories given by user in his/her stories.
  • Flow Chart - Put Features in a flow chart (What we will build)
  • Architecture - How we build it. What holds all the code together.


  • Implementation of the planned project

User Stories

  • Description of the syetm functionality from the users perspective.
  • e.g
  • As a user, I want to log my running workouts with location, distance, time, pace and steps/minute, so i can keep a log of all my running.
  • As a user i want to log my cycling workouts with location, distance, time, speed and elevation gain, so i can keep a log of all my cycling.
  • As a user i want to see all my workouts at glance so i can easily track my progress over time.
  • As a user i want to also see my workouts on a map so i can easily check where i work out the most.


  • Map where user can click and add new workout. Use geolocation to display current location. Form to Input rest of the data(time,pace,steps/minute).
  • Form to input distance, time,speed elevation
  • Display all workouts in a list
  • Display all workouts on the map.
  • store workout data in the browser using Local storage API.
  • On page load, read the saved data from local storage and display.

How To Use geolocation API

if (navigator.geolocation) {
    function (position) {
      //   console.log(position);

      //get latitude/longitude from the position object
      //   const latitude = position.coords.latitude;
      const { latitude } = position.coords;
      const { longitude } = position.coords;
      //   console.log(latitude, longitude);
    function () {
      alert('Could not get your Location');
  • navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition() - Takes as arguments, 2 callback functions (one called on success (called with a parameter called the position parameter), one called when error happens)

Mapty Architecture

Using Local storage API

  • localStorage.setItem('workouts', JSON.stringify(this.#workouts));
  • localStorage.setItem() expects 2 arguments, The first one being key, and the second one value
  • In the above example workouts is key and JSON.stringify(this.#workouts) is value
  • JSON.stringify() - converts object to string
 const data = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('workouts'));
  • Get and store local storage data in a variable.
  • Parse in the localStorage.getItem() the key of the data stored. in this case workouts
  • JSON.parse() simply converts strings back to object

Considerations of Additional Features

Mapty Challenges