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New API Plan

This document outlines the endpoints and specifications for creating a new version of the outdated server API currently in use.
To be PR'd into the original as a replacement at a later date


Basic Info

API Namespace: /api/v1/*


The following sections documents all implemented endpoints and their inputs and outputs.

Public Endpoints

The following endpoints may be used by anyone, without any authorization, even if they are not a user of the server.
They are meant to expose information for display on the frontends.
Future modifications may make these endpoints only accessible by any user with a VALID API key instead of just any user.

GET /users - List all user data (No passwords ofc)


  • (200) Should always be ok unless the server is unreachable

Related Convenience Endpoint:
GET /users/status - List all user data WITH their latest sessions attached. Intended for the list of users signed in.
Responses: User objects with a session key in each containing their latest session (See /user and /session/latest)

User Authorization

Authentication is handled using generated API keys.
Each user has a password which has the sole purpose of being exchanged for an active API key.
A user can have multiple functional API keys and each key has the ability to revoke any and all API keys in exchange for a new one to invalidate all other sessions.
You may store this API key on the device instead of a password.

Warning Changing a password does not implicitly revoke all API keys. Changing a password will not affect the API keys and revoking or regenerating API keys will not affect the password.

POST /user/auth/exchange - Given a password, returns a randomly generated, valid api key that does not expire for the user

Input: Send password in body in the password key

  • (200) API key is provided in the api_key field


  • (401) invalid_password No user with this password exists

POST /user/auth/revoke - Revokes and regenerates the api key


  • (401) not_authed when no auth header is provided
  • (404) user_not_found when no user with a matching auth header is found


  • (200) Successfully revoked API key. Returns new key under the new_api_key key

User Methods

These endpoints handle viewing and modifying information about a single user (normally the person signed in).

GET /user - The user's public info (Auth header)


  • (200) User object is returned. Not in a user key


  • (404) user_not_found when the user with the corresponding auth header does not exist

PATCH /user/password - Alternative user edit options. (Changing passwords etc) (Auth header)

Is an optional feature provided for convenience Response:

  • (204) No content is returned. Success


  • (422) invalid_password Password is invalid. Other errors may be more specific in the future

GET /user/sessions - All user sessions (Auth header)


  • (200) List of sessions in the sessions key


  • (401) not_authed when no auth header is provided
  • (404) user_not_found when no user with a matching auth header is found

GET /user/session/latest - Latest session (Auth header)


  • (200) Returns the latest session


  • (204) NO_SESSIONS No session is found


  • (401) not_authed when no auth header is provided
  • (404) user_not_found when no user with a matching auth header is found

PATCH /user/session/latest - Switch to log out (Auth header)

Input: Use method key for sign_in or sign_out

  • (200) Success. Returns the updated session even if no changes were made


  • (401) not_authed when no auth header is provided
  • (404) user_not_found when no user with a matching auth header is found

Admin Methods

These endpoints are intended for people with the admin password only and have a lot more power.

Note that server admins also have the ability to look up anyone's API key to use any of the User Methods as well.
The ability to impersonate normal users has not been added for normal Admin users yet.

POST /user - Add user (Admin auth header)

Input: New user object in body

  • (200) New user object is returned (Same form as /user)


  • (401) not_authed when no admin header is provided
  • (401) invalid_admin_auth when admin header is invalid
  • (409) user_already_exists when a user with the same password exists

PUT /user - Edit user (Changing passwords etc) (Auth header)

Input: New user object in body

  • (200) New user object is returned (Same form as /user)


  • (401) not_authed when no admin header is provided
  • (401) invalid_admin_auth when admin header is invalid
  • (404) user_not_found when no user with the provided auth header exists

DELETE /user - Delete the user (Admin auth header)


  • (204) No content is returned


  • (204) user_already_deleted User has already been deleted. No content is returned


  • (401) not_authed when no admin header is provided
  • (401) invalid_admin_auth when admin header is invalid

GET /users/sessions - All user sessions grouped by user (Admin auth header)


  • (200) All sessions from all users in [user id]: [sessions] format


  • (401) not_authed when no admin auth header is provided
  • (401) invalid_admin_auth when an invalid admin auth header is provided

POST /user/sessions - For creating a completely new and arbitrary session (Admin auth header)

Input: A complete session object under the session key and the target user's identifier as user_id

  • (200) New session is returned


  • (401) not_authed when no auth header is provided
  • (401) invalid_admin_auth when an invalid admin auth header is provided
  • (404) user_not_found when no user with a matching auth header is found
  • (422) user_not_specified when no target user to add the session to is specified

DELETE /user/session/:session-id - For removing a specific session (Admin auth header)


  • (204) No content returned. Successfully deleted


  • (401) not_authed when no admin auth header is provided
  • (401) invalid_admin_auth when an invalid admin auth header is provided


The following endpoints are planned but not implemented. Their functionalities may change.

WS /ws/users/status - Websocket invoked each time any user has their status change (Provides the new user's status)


  • (200) Contains the changed user in the user key and message_id and next_message_id to detect missed messages

POST /users/status/sync - To signal the server to sync data to external sources like Google Sheets or a file on-demand


  • (200) Successful sync


  • (500) sync_failed - Generic failure code. More specific codes added as needed

Auth notes

As a side effect of revoke, all auth-related endpoints can also fail with error: "already_revoked"

API Responses

After consuming/checking the status of the request, you may delete the keys ok, warning, and error to leave a standard response for the endpoint that you can store in a variable or state

	"ok": "true/false",
	"warning": "UNKNOWN_WARNING",
	"error": "UNKNOWN_ERROR",
	"other data": {
		"...stuff": "etc"


Since not being able to find the user is also indicates an invalid API key, the code returned could be unauthorized instead.

For the admin side of things, an identifier still has to be chosen. It will likely be the SQL row id

To differentiate an admin key from a user key, admin keys and user keys will be prefixed differently. Likely A- for admins and U- for users.

Admin API key exchange may be worth adding at a later date to avoid leaking the credentials with physical device access

Logging can be added silently to any endpoint, provided it fails silently in most cases.

There are no GETs or other methods for /user/session/:session-id