The PresentMon/ directory contains source for a standalone console application that uses the PresentMon SDK to capture and analyze graphics applications, outputting data to the console and/or CSV file(s).
A binary of the console application is provided in the release, e.g.: PresentMon-1.9.0-x64.exe.
Capture Target Options | |
-captureall |
Record all processes (default). |
-process_name name |
Record only processes with the provided exe name. This argument can be repeated to capture multiple processes. |
-exclude name |
Don't record processes with the provided exe name. This argument can be repeated to exclude multiple processes. |
-process_id id |
Record only the process specified by ID. |
-etl_file path |
Consume events from an ETW log file instead of running processes. |
Output Options | |
-output_file path |
Write CSV output to the provided path. |
-output_stdout |
Write CSV output to STDOUT. |
-multi_csv |
Create a separate CSV file for each captured process. |
-no_csv |
Do not create any output file. |
-no_top |
Don't display active swap chains in the console |
-qpc_time |
Output present time as a performance counter value. |
-qpc_time_s |
Output present time as a performance counter value converted to seconds. |
Recording Options | |
-hotkey key |
Use provided key to start and stop recording, writing to a unique CSV file each time. 'key' is of the form MODIFIER+KEY, e.g., "alt+shift+f11". |
-delay seconds |
Wait for provided time before starting to record. If using -hotkey, the delay occurs each time recording is started. |
-timed seconds |
Stop recording after the provided amount of time. |
-exclude_dropped |
Exclude dropped presents from the csv output. |
-scroll_indicator |
Enable scroll lock while recording. |
-no_track_display |
Disable tracking through GPU and display. |
-track_debug |
Adds additional data to output not relevant to normal usage. |
Execution Options | |
-session_name name |
Use the provided name to start a new realtime ETW session, instead of the default "PresentMon". This can be used to start multiple realtime captures at the same time (using distinct, case-insensitive names). A realtime PresentMon capture cannot start if there are any existing sessions with the same name. |
-stop_existing_session |
If a trace session with the same name is already running, stop the existing session (to allow this one to proceed). |
-terminate_existing |
Terminate any existing PresentMon realtime trace sessions, then exit. Use with -session_name to target particular sessions. |
-restart_as_admin |
If not running with elevated privilege, restart and request to be run as administrator. (See discussion above). |
-terminate_on_proc_exit |
Terminate PresentMon when all the target processes have exited. |
-terminate_after_timed |
When using -timed , terminate PresentMon after the timed capture completes. |
Beta Options | |
-date_time |
Output present time as a date and time with nanosecond precision. |
-track_gpu |
Tracks the duration of each process' GPU work performed between presents. Not supported on Win7. |
-track_gpu_video |
Track the video encode/decode portion of GPU work separately from other engines. Not supported on Win7. |
-track_input |
Tracks the time of keyboard/mouse clicks that were used by each frame. |
-track_mixed_reality |
Capture Windows Mixed Reality data to a CSV file with "_WMR" suffix. |
By default, PresentMon creates a CSV file named "PresentMon-<Time>.csv", where "<Time>" is the creation time in ISO 8601 format. To specify your own output location, use the -output_file PATH
command line argument.
If -multi_csv
is used, then one CSV is created for each process captured and "-<ProcessName>-<ProcessId>" is appended to the file name.
If -hotkey
is used, then one CSV is created for each time recording is started and "-<Index>" is appended to the file name.
Column Header | Data Description |
Application | The name of the process that called Present(). |
ProcessID | The process ID of the process that called Present(). |
SwapChainAddress | The address of the swap chain that was presented into. |
Runtime | The runtime used to present (e.g., D3D9 or DXGI). |
SyncInterval | The sync interval provided by the application in the Present() call. This value may be modified later by the driver, e.g., based on control panel overrides. |
PresentFlags | Flags used in the Present() call. |
PresentMode | The presentation mode used by the system for this Present(). See the table below for more details. This column is not available when -no_track_display is used. |
AllowsTearing | Whether tearing is possible (1) or not (0). This column is not available when -no_track_display is used. |
TimeInSeconds | The time of the Present() call, in seconds, relative to when the PresentMon started recording. |
QPCTime | The time of the Present() call, as a performance counter value. This column is only available when -qpc_time or -qpc_time_s are used. When -qpc_time_s is used, the value is converted to seconds by dividing by the counter frequency. |
msInPresentAPI | The time spent inside the Present() call, in milliseconds. |
msUntilRenderComplete | The time between the Present() call and when GPU work for this frame completed, in milliseconds. This column is not available when -no_track_display is used. |
msUntilDisplayed | The time between the Present() call and when the frame was displayed, in milliseconds. This column is not available when -no_track_display is used. |
Dropped | Whether the frame was dropped (1) or displayed (0). Note, if dropped, msUntilDisplayed will be 0. |
msBetweenPresents | The time between this Present() call and the previous one, in milliseconds. |
msBetweenDisplayChange | How long the previous frame was displayed before this Present() was displayed, in milliseconds. This column is not available when -no_track_display is used. |
WasBatched | Whether the frame was submitted by the driver on a different thread than the app (1) or not (0). This column is only available when -track_debug is used. |
DwmNotified | Whether the desktop compositor was notified about the frame (1) or not (0). This column is only available when -track_debug is used. |
Using -track_gpu
or -track_gpu_video
will add the following columns:
Column Header | Data Description |
msUntilRenderStart | The time between the Present() call and when GPU work for this frame started, in milliseconds. Note that rendering for a frame can start before the Present() call, so this value can be negative. |
msGPUActive, msGPUVideoActive | The total duration the GPU was working on this frame, in milliseconds. Time is counted whenever at least one engine is executing work from the target process. When -track_gpu_video is used, then the msGPUVideoActive column is added showing the duration of work on the GPU's video encode and/or decode engines and, in this case, the video encode/decode work is not included in msGPUActive. |
Using -track_input
will add the following columns:
Column Header | Data Description |
msSinceInput | The time between the Present() call and the earliest keyboard or mouse interaction that contributed to this frame. For frames where msSinceInput is non-zero, msSinceInput + msUntilDisplayed can be used as a measure of the latency between user input and the display of the resulting rendered frame. Note, however, that this is just the software-visible subset of the full input-to-photon latency and doesn't include:• time spent processing input in the keyboard/controller hardware or drivers (typically a fixed additional overhead), • time spent processing the output in the display hardware or drivers (typically a fixed additional overhead), and • a combination of display blanking interval and scan time (which varies, depending on timing and tearing). |
The following values are used in the PresentMode column:
PresentMode | Description |
Hardware: Legacy Flip | Indicates the app took ownership of the screen, and is swapping the displayed surface every frame. |
Hardware: Legacy Copy to front buffer | Indicates the app took ownership of the screen, and is copying new contents to an already-on-screen surface every frame. |
Hardware: Independent Flip | Indicates the app does not have ownership of the screen, but is still swapping the displayed surface every frame. |
Composed: Flip | Indicates the app is windowed, is using "flip model" swapchains, and is sharing its surfaces with DWM to be composed. |
Hardware Composed: Independent Flip | Indicates the app is using "flip model" swapchains, and has been granted a hardware overlay plane. |
Composed: Copy with GPU GDI | Indicates the app is windowed, and is copying contents into a surface that's shared with GDI. |
Composed: Copy with CPU GDI | Indicates the app is windowed, and is copying contents into a dedicated DirectX window surface. GDI contents are stored separately, and are composed together with DX contents by the DWM. |
For more information on the performance implications of these, see:
Note: Windows Mixed Reality support is in beta, with limited OS support and maintenance.
If -track_mixed_reality
is used, a second CSV file will be generated with "_WMR" appended to the filename with the following columns:
Column Header | Data Description |
Application | Process name (if known) |
ProcessID | Process ID |
DwmProcessID | Compositor Process ID |
TimeInSeconds | Time since PresentMon recording started |
msBetweenLsrs | Time between this Lsr CPU start and the previous one |
AppMissed | Whether Lsr is reprojecting a new (0) or old (1) App frame (App GPU work must complete before Lsr CPU start) |
LsrMissed | Whether Lsr displayed a new frame (0) or not (1+) at the intended V-Sync (Count V-Syncs with no display change) |
msAppPoseLatency | Time between App's pose sample and the intended mid-photon frame display |
msLsrPoseLatency | Time between Lsr's pose sample and the intended mid-photon frame display |
msActualLsrPoseLatency | Time between Lsr's pose sample and mid-photon frame display |
msTimeUntilVsync | Time between Lsr CPU start and the intended V-Sync |
msLsrThreadWakeupToGpuEnd | Time between Lsr CPU start and GPU work completion |
msLsrThreadWakeupError | Time between intended Lsr CPU start and Lsr CPU start |
msLsrPreemption | Time spent preempting the GPU with Lsr GPU work |
msLsrExecution | Time spent executing the Lsr GPU work |
msCopyPreemption | Time spent preempting the GPU with Lsr GPU cross-adapter copy work (if required) |
msCopyExecution | Time spent executing the Lsr GPU cross-adapter copy work (if required) |
msGpuEndToVsync | Time between Lsr GPU work completion and V-Sync |
msBetweenAppPresents | Time between App's present and the previous one. |
msAppPresentToLsr | Time between App's present and Lsr CPU start. This column is not available when -no_track_display is used. |
HolographicFrameID | App's Holographic Frame ID. This column is only available when -track_debug is used. |
msSourceReleaseFromRenderingToLsrAcquire | Time between composition end and Lsr acquire. This column is only available when -track_debug is used. |
msAppCpuRenderFrame | Time between App's CreateNextFrame() API call and PresentWithCurrentPrediction() API call. This column is only available when -track_debug is used. |
msAppMisprediction | Time between App's intended pose time and the intended mid-photon frame display. This column is only available when -track_debug is used. |
msLsrCpuRenderFrame | Time between Lsr CPU render start and GPU work submit. This column is only available when -track_debug is used. |
msLsrThreadWakeupToCpuRenderFrameStart | Time between Lsr CPU start and CPU render start. This column is only available when -track_debug is used. |
msCpuRenderFrameStartToHeadPoseCallbackStart | Time between Lsr CPU render start and pose sample. This column is only available when -track_debug is used. |
msGetHeadPose | Time between Lsr pose sample start and pose sample end. This column is only available when -track_debug is used. |
msHeadPoseCallbackStopToInputLatch | Time between Lsr pose sample end and input latch. This column is only available when -track_debug is used. |
msInputLatchToGpuSubmission | Time between Lsr input latch and GPU work submit. This column is only available when -track_debug is used. |