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NixOS configuration repo for an evolving ensemble of machines/VMs including:

  • LXC Container running on Ubuntu 22.04 on a Thinkpad X1 Carbon Gen 9
  • VMWare Fusion-hosted VM running on an aging MacBookPro11,3
  • Baremetal install running on an aging MacBookAir6,1


Mechanically, the files under hosts/ are the OS-level configuration.nix equivalent, and when bootstrapping a new machine the relevant file is symlinked to /etc/nixos/configuration.nix. These host files each pull in the relevant hardware/ file and the central OS configuration used on all my machines, confusingly called nixos/configuration.nix.

Userspace is controlled by home-manager, which is included as a NixOS module and (re)built alongside the whole OS. config/home.nix is the primary entrypoint for userspace configuration.

The dotfiles in this repo are handled in a mixture of modes, including:

  • Raw dotfiles expressed in their native format that are stored in normal files and copied by home-manager using home.file.<name>.source.

  • Dotfiles expressed in their native format but stored as a (potentially templated) string in home.nix using home.file.<name>.text = ....

  • Dotfiles that are expressed using nix expression syntax that is then rendered as native dotfiles completely by home-manager.

All relevant dotfiles that are stored as independent files live alongside home.nix in the config/ folder.

Notable Specifics

As a way of more expressively controlling the differences between hosts, I use a dedicated set of options in the modules/settings.nix file. This module bundles settings that are commonly needed in multiple places in both the OS configuration and the userspace configuration. These include:

  • fontSize: This varies from one machine to another because my VMs run on Retina screens whereas my current baremetal machine is not.

  • terminal: Needed to vary my terminal on specific machines because of an alacritty bug malloc47/config@e9a81e60bfdeb637589b75248de9256e1dcf18be .

  • vm: Boolean indicating whether or not the host is a VM.

  • xkbFile: Because my machines/VM hosts have different keybindings, they need different customizations.

On this last point I swap some specific keys, like [ <-> (, ] <-> ), and CapsLock -> Ctrl. On the VM host, some of these are already swapped, so swapping them again inside the VM guest is not necessary.

These settings make expressing nix configurations easier. For example, on a VM, certain keybindings are made on the VM host level so I can omit them from my i3 keybindings, but need to keep them for baremetal machines. Rather than hardcoding host names or other proxies for being on baremetal, such configuration becomes easier to read:

keybindings = mkOptionDefault (
    "${mod}+p" = "exec ${pkgs.dmenu}/bin/dmenu_run";
    "${mod}+o" = "exec ${pkgs.clipmenu}/bin/clipmenu";
  // optionalAttrs (!config.settings.vm)
    "${mod}+grave" = "workspace 1";
    "${mod}+Shift+Control+L" = "exec i3lock";


I run NixOS natively on my own hardware but, on my work hardware, I find it more pragmatic to run containerized / virtualized for several reasons:

  1. It takes time to troubleshoot minor hardware interactions (brightness controls, volume controls, suspend, fingerprint reader, etc.) that are already setup on the host OS.

  2. Work-mandated software (endpoint protection, VPNs) generally is not well-supported (or even allowed) on non-vendor-supplied OSes.

  3. IT support tends to be nonexistent for highly-custom OS installs, so routine breakages or glitches would be entirely on me to debug.

It's conceivably possible to configure the host OS to work similarly to how I've configured NixOS, but the overhead of optimizing for several decades of trained muscle memory that is my keybindings coupled with the lack of reproducibility I've come to rely on with NixOS make the overhead of dealing with a VM preferable to me.

On Macs, VMWare Fusion has been my VM host of choice. For efficiency, I often run the browser natively in OSX on a full-screen workspace and run the VM full-screen on another workspace, with customized keybindings to make switching between them match my "native" keybindings (e.g., I bind Super-` to "switch to browser workspace" in OSX which is next to Super-1 as the first i3 workspace in the VM).

On work-provided Linux machines, the story is more complicated. For simplicity, I could mimic OSX and virtualize NixOS on my Linux host also. However, the option to reduce resource usage (VMs do eat battery life) on my Linux host by running NixOS as a lightweight container is too tempting to pass up. I have specifically set this up on an Ubuntu 22.04 host using LXC as the container runtime. A Docker-based approach could likely be made to work too, and is something I should explore at some point, but LXC is more natural for running a full, persistent OS vs a single application and is a supported build in NixOS.

A nontrivial chunk of my setup relies on having graphical support (an X server) available--everything from my tiling window manager, to my emacs running in GUI mode. One option that I did ultimately get working was to have the container itself host an X server side-by-side with the Ubuntu X server, with the container X server running my i3 window manager. While this worked, it was awkward to switch between the individual X sessions (particularly on a laptop where I was occasionally toggling from docked to mobile with associated display changes) which I often needed to do to manage VPNs or other related work tools that I did not want running in my container.

So, instead, I ultimately decided to run only a single X server on the host and have the container connect to this X server to launch graphical applications. Like OSX, Gnome isn't sufficiently customizable to make it match closely enough to work as I want, but thankfully Ubuntu has no trouble running i3 as an alternative window manager. This, however, creates a problem: My i3 configuration in NixOS is generated via home-manager which would be running inside the container but running i3 on the host requires this configuration be made available outside the container. By consistently mounting the container's root filesystem (I use ~/lxc-share), this can be solved by symlinking the config (run from the host):

ln -s ~/lxc-share/.config/i3/config ~/.config/i3/config

Not exactly elegant, but it does allow me to keep my i3 config controlled by NixOS. Another issue, though, is that my i3 config references keybindings to launch specific applications that exist within the container. By having i3+config live and run outside the container, I had to further specialize the i3 config to wrap calls with lxc exec so that the proper containerized applications are executed. This is further complicated because you do not get a "full" shell with, say, lxc exec nixos -- /run/current-system/sw/bin/zsh; you'll be missing dbus, XDG_* variables, etc.. So an additional machinectl shell wrapper is needed inside of lxc exec for applications to have an environment that matches what they would have if a full-blown X session was running in the container.

To make working with both the host and guest as seamless as possible, I set up some "dual" keybindings to create a unified experience:

  • Super+Return: Container terminal
  • Super+Shift+Return: Host terminal
  • Super+p : Container dmenu runner
  • Super+Shift+P : Host dmenu runner

This allows me to launch specific applications on the host (Super+Shift+P vpn) and others on the container (Super+p emacs) that all appear seamlessly within the same window manager. If I need to do any mainainance operations (like fetching the latest approved software updates), I can launch a terminal on the host to run the appropriate commands. For most everything else I do on my work machine, I launch terminals or applications in the container.

Unlike Docker, LXC doesn't have a Dockerfile equivalent. To facilitate setting up the container, this repo includes an script that resets LXC to a clean state and (re)builds/installs the NixOS container image, setting up all the necessary hardware permissions needed to allow container applications access to the X server, audio, and network, as well as container-specific settings such as the storage mounts.


The public portion of this repository started in 2010 after separating out secrets and other non-public elements from a private repo that I had been using for another several years prior. It started as a grab bag of dotfiles that I shared among several Linux machines, including Fedora, Ubuntu, and my personal Arch machines. These dotfiles were initially managed by a rudimentary bash script that symlinked them all into a target home folder, later adding system-specific overrides to handle multiple hosts.

In 2019, this repo transitioned to holding NixOS + home-manager configuration, documented in this post. This is a significant expansion of scope, as most physical hardware/services were previously left out of this repository.