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Datastore Documentation


Document Description
This README An overview of the datastore including a brief summary of the data model.
db-design-principles A summary of the design principles, conventions and decisions made when designing and building the datastore.
db-schema-auth auth schema definitions - tables, views and functions.
db-schema-reg reg schema definitions - tables, views and functions.
db-schema-data data schema definitions - tables, views and functions.
db-schema-def cm schema definitions - tables, views and functions.
db-schema-voc voc schema definitions - tables, views and functions.
db-schema-sys sys schema definitions - tables, views and functions.


The database is designed to store information about any environmental entity, and the sampling activities used to observe and describe them. The main goals are flexibility (allowing the definition of new classes or properties as required) and accuracy (classes and properties are fully described with metadata and uncertainty information).

The database comprises five main schema (Figure 1): auth, reg, cm, voc, data and sys.

  • auth holds the tables, functions and views supporting the PostgreSQL row level security (RLS) policies that manage access to records by client users.
  • reg holds the system registry, organising and managing access to sets of data in the cm, voc, and data schema
  • cm holds the type definitions for classes and properties stored in the data schema.
  • voc holds the controlled vocabularies used in the data schema.
  • data is an entity-attribute-value (see db-design-principles) database that holds the soil data managed and/or served by the EDR.
  • sys is a schema for system tables and functions that are used by elements in all other schema.
  • build is a schema for useful functions that help automate the construction of the database - e.g. creating all necessary periods extension system versioning tables.

Figure 1. Overview of EDR schema and their base tables.


There is a working schema for temporary tables and views - e.g. to support data maintenance and loading.

About documentation

A brief summary of the database is presented in this document. For clarity (?!) full definitions for each schema are maintained in separate documents. Across all mark-down documents the definition table structure is largely self-explanatory but some unusual conventions for the content are as follows:

  • The key columns refers to whether a column is part of a primary key (PK) or foreign key (FK). So-called weak foreign keys are shown with a lower case fk - these should have records in the target table, but may not (probably for no good reason) so referential integrity is not enforced.
  • If a foreign key spans two columns the FK value will be given a lower case letter suffix in brackets (e.g. FK(a)) and be reused by all participating columns.
  • The Null column shows if a column or function parameter is required (N for not null) or optional (Y for null).

See db-design-principles for an overview of database conventions, and explanations of why and how certain things were implemented as they were.

Required extensions


Data types and functions for the manipulation and querying of spatial data are implemented using the PostGIS extension (

PostGIS functions and registers are stored in the public schema. Functions that support topological operations are stored in the topology schema.

Schema summary


The sys and build schemas hold tables, views and functions used throughout the database. These support essential database operations relating to the generation of resource identifiers, and the generation of DDL to create objects that manage transaction history and user access.

It also includes a set of helper functions and views to automate the bulk creation of certain database objects, such as:

  • system columns
  • system versioning tables
  • row level security policies
  • views for API middleware (experimental)

Authentication and authorisation

The auth schema holds tables, types, views and functions that support the implementation of row level security (RLS) in the database. Each table in the database will allow select, update, insert and delete operators to users that also provide a legitimate JSON Web Token (JWT) that includes an operator ID that can be checked against the access level specified in the relevant authorisation table. This means a client can access the database using a client specific login role that have been given membership of the edr_jwt group role, and individual users can be distinguished by operator specified in the JWT claims. This assumes all non-administrative access to the database is via APIs that authenticate users with the MWLR Authentication Service.

  • Operators are registered in auth.operator.
  • Changes to entities, and their properties and associations, are authorised according access rights granted on their datasets.
  • Changes to datasets and registers, and their properties and associations, are authorised according access rights granted on their registers.
  • An anonymous operator allowing read access to open datasets has been placed in auth.operator. This user may not be granted admin or edit access.
  • Rights granted to a parent or ancestor register/dataset are inherited but descendants. Inherited rights may be overridden by denying a user access - this denial then propagates to all descendants and cannot itself be overridden.
  • For each dataset (register or dataset), the various rights are summarised into arrays of operators that enforce inherited and denied access in the view auth.dataset__authorisation.
  • Data administrators and maintainers can be granted the membership of group roles that support admin (edr_admin), edit (edr_edit), and read (edr_read) tasks. The roles bypass RLS policies.

With time, access constraints will extend to the suppression of 'restricted attributes'.

Due to their importance to the management of data, access rights are defined using a PostgreSQL enumeration type:

  • auth_access (admin, edit, read, deny)

Edit types are only applicable to:

  • entities, entity attributes and entity associations
  • class, attribute, and association definitions
  • concepts and their properties

All users should have read access to datasets. Otherwise, as datasets are inherently administrative structures, edit access on these is restricted to operators with admin authorisation.

By default, edit and read of access to entities is restricted.

Anything can be subject to read access.

RLS policies use the function auth.operator_access to check the operator (by reading the JWT) against the requested access role (as implied by the SQL operation) and dataset.

The following table summarises the allowable operations on a table type* for a given authorisation**.

Authorisation register dataset entity
admin S, I, U, D S, I, U, D S, I, U, D
edit S S S, I, U, D
read S S S
deny revoke revoke revoke

* The table type encompasses associated proeprty tables (e.g. entity also includes entity__assertion and so on).

** S: select; I: insert; U: update; D: delete

Figure 2. Summary of the auth schema authorisation tables.

summary - auth


Datasets (class models, concept schemes and collections, and environmental datasets) are managed by registry tables (Figure 3). The registry is made up of registers that define how the items in the register (class models, concept schemes and collections, and datasets) are governed and published. They define ownership, authorise editing rights, and licensing constraints on publication and use. Registers also include metadata to support discovery and publication (e.g. providing DOIs for datasets). Datasets managed in datasets shall be organised for publication as registers.

Individual entities (and concepts, class and so on) can be organised into registers for publication.

Figure 3. Summary of the reg schema registry tables.

summary - reg

Definitions and vocabularies

The definition and vocabulary tables are the glue that holds the EAV structure together. They define:

  • the class and property types created as (effectively) the key in the EAV key-value-pairs in the data schema
  • the concepts for controlled vocabularies that provide values in the key-value-pairs in the data schema

Class models (cm)

Note that class models are manged in a separate database, this database will hold copies of class models as required.

Class models (Figure 4a) define the class and property (attribute and association) types for a given area of interest (e.g. soil). The domain of a property type is the class (or classes) it describes, while the range of a property is the type of its value. Literal types - e.g. strings and integers - a defined using system data types. Class and property types may be specialised into sub-types - for example the property type relatedSamplingEntity can be specialised into relatedSoilSample and relatedSoilSite.

All class models, class and property types are mapped to a set of strictly controlled system types (Figure 4b) by the system__type_id referencing the relevant system type table. These tables include full definitions of each system type.

  • cm.system__type__class_model: covers the classical modelling paradigms (conceptual, logical and physical).
  • cm.system__type__class: define a set of fundamental types taken from the RDF, PROV and SOSA ontologies.
  • cm.system__type__association (property): fundamental association types.
  • cm.system__type__attribute (property): fundamental attribute types.
  • cm.system__type__data_type: fundamental data types for attribute values (derived from UML classes).

System type tables hold ids that are used in views, functions, triggers and so on that manage content in the data schema. As such they can only be changed by the system admin user and system type ids should only be changed as a last resort and where the system type hasn't been applied to a class or property type.

The system type of a class or property should not be changed once it has been used as it can have a significant impact on how records are processed and stored. To protect from disruption, update triggers on cm tables check for the usage of a class or property, restricting change to an id if it is linked to a used class/property.

Possibly over-engineering things here - on update restrict may be more appropriate. And simpler.

The model for class models is based on the Resource Description Framework Schema (RDFS).

Figure 4. a) Summary of the cm schema class model tables.

summary - cm

b) Class models, classes, properties and data types with their specialised system types shown as a conceptual class model. Definitions of each system type can be found in the system type table linked to the instantiating (implementing) cm schema table shown in the diagram.

conceptual - edr

Controlled vocabularies (voc)

For controlled vocabularies (Figure 5) concepts (terms) are organised into schemes. Concepts may be related to one another (e.g. as simple hierarchical taxonomies, or equivalence mappings between schemes) using semantic relationships. Concepts and schemes can be translated into multiple languages. Should concepts need the be aggregated for a particular purpose (say by combining two schemes, or sub-setting one, or both) a collection is created.

The model for vocabularies is based on the Simple Knowledge Organisation System (SKOS).

Figure 5. Summary of the voc schema vocabulary tables.

summary - voc


The data schema (Figure 6) holds the actual soil survey, sample and laboratory data.

Figure 6. a) Summary of the data schema tables.

summary - data

b) An example of how data tables link to cm tables.

example - data

Class tables

In the data schema classes are implemented in tables holding entities or datasets:

  • entities hold instances of domain and sampling entities
  • datasets organise entities into datasets based on direct ownership by a team or user for a particular purpose (e.g. a field survey). Dataset access is managed through the registry.

Class tables have a simple structure - records identify the existence of an instance of class and declare its type (soil, sample, dataset etc) using the class_id column referencing the table cm.class.

All properties of a class are held in related attribute and association tables (see below). Class tables may include properties prefixed with default_. These allow a class to be located or labelled but are not data in their own right. They can only be created by copying or merging data from property tables.

Default values may be provided in related tables that extend the base table. For example when not all types have a meaningful default value.

Class attribute tables

Attribute tables hold attribute values for a class as key value pairs. They declare the type of attribute (e.g. moisture content) using attribute_id referencing the table cm.attribute. Rules for the data type, structure and acceptable values are held against the attribute definition. Values are held in a JSON object in the value column:

  • the structure of the value is declared/validated by a JSON schema in the attribute range's system__type__data_type.schema_json
  • when the value is a controlled concept its value is a UUID referencing
  • when the value is a binary object (e.g. a spectra file) its value is a UUID referencing data.binary_object

Attributes may be asserted or observed:

  • assertions are attributes whose values are assigned to an entity, for example a name, id or note
  • observations are attributes whose values are estimated at some time using some procedure and the result has a degree of uncertainty. Some observations are made using an agent, perhaps electronic sensor (a measurement) or computer algorithm (prediction). The degree of uncertainty should be captured for measurements/predictions.

Most attribute values in this database are observations or measurements.

There are three base attribute tables based on these specific attribute system types (and their subtypes):

  • entity__assertion: A simple attribute whose value is asserted
  • entity__observation: A simple observation with a procedure and result time
  • entity__measurement: An extended observation, including agent and uncertainty metadata

Trigger functions on these tables check that the attributes are of the right system type when records are inserted.

For convenience, all three of these tables can be accessed and updated through a single view: entity__attribute. During inserts, this view uses instead of triggers to send a record to the right base table according to the attribute's system type.

Class association tables

Association tables hold references to other entities (e.g. where a horizon is composed of constituent mottles). The type is a key referencing the table cm.association. Rules for the acceptable entity relationships are held against the association type definition.

As with class tables, associations have core types that are declared via their system__type_id column. The association types are:

  • aggregation - an association between two classes where the component class cannot exist independently of the source class. On delete a component must be deleted as well. As the aggregation table is a many-to-many table, the cascading delete will need to be managed through a trigger or instead of directive.
  • relationship - a simple association, or link, between classes. When an associated class is deleted, only the relationship to the other class is deleted.

There are two base association tables based on these specific association system types (and their subtypes):

  • entity__aggregation: An aggregation of entities
  • entity__relationship: A simple relationship

Trigger functions on these tables check that the relationships are of the right system type when records are inserted.

For convenience, both of these tables can be accessed and updated through a single view: entity__association. During inserts, this view uses instead of triggers to send a record to the right base table according to the association's system type.

Table views

A set of human-friendly views is available to help inspect base tables without being confronted by an ocean of UUIDs. The views have the name of the base table suffixed by __view (e.g. entity__view).

The views are intended to help software and data engineers explore and understand the database, it is not anticipated that these will be used to deliver data to clients.

These views substitute UUIDs with the default label (or equivalent) of the related 'thing' (e.g. a class, attribute or entity identifier). Where sensible, associated classes or entities may be provided as arrays of default labels.