- Create notes on order details
- Send personalized email to the addressee of the order
$ composer require mangoweb-sylius/sylius-order-comments-plugin
. -
Add plugin classes to your
:return [ ... MangoSylius\OrderCommentsPlugin\MangoSyliusOrderCommentsPlugin::class => ['all' => true], ];
Add resource to
imports: ... - { resource: "@MangoSyliusOrderCommentsPlugin/Resources/config/config.yml" }
Add routing to
mango_sylius_order_comments_plugin: resource: "@MangoSyliusOrderCommentsPlugin/Resources/config/routing.yml" prefix: /admin
Override the template in
... {{ include('@MangoSyliusOrderCommentsPlugin/Admin/_order.html.twig') }}
Create and run doctrine database migrations.
For the guide how to use your own entity see Sylius docs - Customizing Models
- Comment can be written from the order detail.
- If I check the "Send to customer" checkbox, it will send an email to the customer's email.
- Create symlink from .env.dist to .env or create your own .env file
- Develop your plugin in
- See
for useful commands
After your changes you must ensure that the tests are still passing.
$ composer install
$ bin/console doctrine:schema:create -e test
$ bin/behat.sh
$ bin/phpstan.sh
$ bin/ecs.sh
This library is under the MIT license.
Developed by manGoweb.