Sell your used goods on Columbia's campus!
Deployment at
Github repo:
Demo link:
* Huifeng Wu, hw2910 * Zelin Wang, zw2852 * Man Huang Ho, mh4142
For Project Iteration 1, we have identified our minimal features, as follows:
- User Login / Authentication
- User Registration
- User Logout sessions
- Post Display
- Item Manipulations (eg. price filtering, keyword searching, and categorization)
- You can log onto our premium LionBuy website if you have a registered account
- Inconsistent email or password will be prompted "Invalid Credentials"
- Users can only register an account with or affiliated email addresses
- Passwords have to match with the retyped one
- Fields cannot be empty
- Already registered account cannot be double registered
- Users can use the logout button on the top left of our home page
- Price filters: users can set a min and max price to find items that fulfill their bugets
- Categorization: can find items with correct categories
- Keyword search: can find posts whose description or titles include the keyword.
For Project Iteration 2, we have identified our main features, as follows:
- User History
- My Posts
- Seller Operation
- Buyer Behaviour
- Users can use "Order history" or "Selling summary" buttons to inspect their past sales or orders
- List all active posts for the current users
- One can check out if others bid on his/her goods, and monitor the status
- Sellers can edit their posts on my posts page
- Sellers can delete their posts on my posts page
- Sellers can accept a deal if being satisfied with the current bid on my posts page
- On desired items, one can click into the details on its associated post
- Either input a price to bid
- Or buy it now directly to secure the item
For Project Launch, we have identified our complete features, as follows:
- Users can browse through difference pages with our order history, selling summary and home features
- Users now can upload images when making posts for their selling items
- Sellers are notified when either someone bids on his/her active items, or someone directly use "buy it now" to acquire the items
- Buyers are notified when his/her bids are accepted by the corresponding sellers
bundle install --without production
bundle exec rake db:setup
bundle exec rake db:migrate
bundle exec rake db:test:prepare
rails server -b
rake cucumber
rake spec